[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [General] Patch release and new packages for ROS 2 Crystal Clemmys 2019-03-14
Steven! Ragnarök via Discourse.ros.org
ros.discourse at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 00:01:13 UTC 2019
Crystal's third patch release is [here](https://github.com/ros2/ros2/releases/tag/release-crystal-20190314)!
The changes I'm most excited about:
* Actions are now available in rclpy. You can get the details from [ros2/rclpy#257](https://github.com/ros2/rclpy/issues/257).
* If you're interested in using log4cxx for your logging needs, the rcl_logging_log4cxx package has now been released. Using this package naturally relies on log4cxx, so refer to the installation instructions for your platform to get it.
The changes in `sros2` introduce a new dependency on the rosdep key: `python3-lxml`
The installation documentation has been updated but I'll highlight the changes here:
Depending on the platform, users may need to get the additional dependency:
* With Ubuntu debs: apt will install suitable the suitable dependency
* With Ubuntu binary releases: The `rosdep` tool should resolve the dependency (installs `python3-lxml`)
* With macOS: The dependency should be resolved by installing `lxml` via pip until using rosdep is an option (see https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/pull/20560#issuecomment-472628304)
* With Windows: The dependency should be resolved by installing `lxml` via pip
* With Windows (debug): The dependency should be resolved by installing a custom-built `lxml` via pip: https://github.com/ros2/ros2/releases/tag/lxml-archives
You can check out full list of changes in the patch release [tracking issue](https://github.com/ros2/ros2/issues/656). We've also discovered some issues in Fast-RTPS that are being added to the [Known issues](https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/Releases/Release-Crystal-Clemmys/#id4) section of the [Crystal Clemmys release page](https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/Releases/Release-Crystal-Clemmys/). I'm linking the section now even though they won't appear until the next documentation rebuild. [This](https://github.com/ros2/ros2_documentation/pull/142) is the change for you first viewers.
## Package Updates for crystal
### Added Packages [11]:
* ros-crystal-behaviortree-cpp-v3: 3.0.4-0
* ros-crystal-behaviortree-cpp-v3-dbgsym: 3.0.4-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclpy-minimal-action-client: 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclpy-minimal-action-server: 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-common: 0.1.7-0
* [ros-crystal-py-trees-ros-interfaces](http://ros.org/wiki/py_trees_ros_interfaces): 1.0.0-0
* ros-crystal-py-trees-ros-interfaces-dbgsym: 1.0.0-0
* ros-crystal-rcl-logging-log4cxx: 0.2.0-0
* ros-crystal-rcl-logging-log4cxx-dbgsym: 0.2.0-0
* [ros-crystal-rqt-action](http://wiki.ros.org/rqt_action): 1.0.1-0
* [ros-crystal-rqt-topic](http://wiki.ros.org/rqt_topic): 1.0.0-0
### Updated Packages [165]:
* ros-crystal-action-msgs: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-action-msgs-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-ament-clang-format: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-auto: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-clang-format: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-copyright: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-core: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-cppcheck: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-cpplint: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-export-definitions: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-export-dependencies: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-export-include-directories: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-export-interfaces: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-export-libraries: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-export-link-flags: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-flake8: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-gmock: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-gtest: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-include-directories: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-libraries: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-lint-cmake: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-nose: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-pclint: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-pep257: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-pep8: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-pyflakes: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-pytest: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-python: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-target-dependencies: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-test: 0.6.0-4 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-uncrustify: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cmake-xmllint: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-copyright: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cppcheck: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-cpplint: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-flake8: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-lint-auto: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-lint-cmake: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-lint-common: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-pclint: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-pep257: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-pep8: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-pyflakes: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-uncrustify: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-ament-xmllint: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-crystal-builtin-interfaces: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-builtin-interfaces-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-costmap-queue: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-dwb-controller: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-dwb-controller-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-dwb-core: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-dwb-core-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-dwb-critics: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-dwb-critics-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-dwb-msgs: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-dwb-msgs-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-dwb-plugins: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-dwb-plugins-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-client: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-client-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-server: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-server-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-client: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-client-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-composition: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-composition-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-publisher: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-publisher-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-service: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-service-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-subscriber: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-subscriber-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-timer: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclcpp-minimal-timer-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclpy-executors: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclpy-minimal-client: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclpy-minimal-publisher: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclpy-minimal-service: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-examples-rclpy-minimal-subscriber: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* [ros-crystal-gazebo-dev](http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?cat=connect_ros): 3.1.0-0 -> 3.2.0-0
* [ros-crystal-gazebo-msgs](http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?cat=connect_ros): 3.1.0-0 -> 3.2.0-0
* ros-crystal-gazebo-msgs-dbgsym: 3.1.0-0 -> 3.2.0-0
* [ros-crystal-gazebo-plugins](http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?cat=connect_ros): 3.1.0-0 -> 3.2.0-0
* ros-crystal-gazebo-plugins-dbgsym: 3.1.0-0 -> 3.2.0-0
* [ros-crystal-gazebo-ros](http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?cat=connect_ros): 3.1.0-0 -> 3.2.0-0
* ros-crystal-gazebo-ros-dbgsym: 3.1.0-0 -> 3.2.0-0
* [ros-crystal-gazebo-ros-pkgs](http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?cat=connect_ros): 3.1.0-0 -> 3.2.0-0
* ros-crystal-lifecycle-msgs: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-lifecycle-msgs-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-nav-2d-msgs: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav-2d-msgs-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav-2d-utils: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav-2d-utils-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-amcl: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-amcl-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-bringup: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-bt-navigator: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-bt-navigator-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-costmap-2d: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-costmap-2d-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-dwb-controller: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-dynamic-params: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-dynamic-params-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-map-server: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-map-server-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-mission-executor: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-mission-executor-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-motion-primitives: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-motion-primitives-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-msgs: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-msgs-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-navfn-planner: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-navfn-planner-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-robot: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-robot-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-simple-navigator: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-simple-navigator-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-tasks: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-tasks-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-util: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-util-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-voxel-grid: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-voxel-grid-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-world-model: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-nav2-world-model-dbgsym: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-navigation2: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.7-0
* ros-crystal-python-cmake-module: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-rcl-interfaces: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-rcl-interfaces-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-rcl-logging-noop: 0.1.0-0 -> 0.2.0-0
* ros-crystal-rcl-logging-noop-dbgsym: 0.1.0-0 -> 0.2.0-0
* ros-crystal-rclpy: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-1
* ros-crystal-rclpy-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-1
* ros-crystal-ros1-bridge: 0.6.1-1 -> 0.6.2-0
* ros-crystal-ros1-bridge-dbgsym: 0.6.1-1 -> 0.6.2-0
* ros-crystal-ros1-rosbag-storage-vendor: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-ros2bag: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2-bag-v2-plugins: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2-converter-default-plugins: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2-converter-default-plugins-dbgsym: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2-dbgsym: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2-storage: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2-storage-dbgsym: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2-storage-default-plugins: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2-storage-default-plugins-dbgsym: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2-test-common: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2-tests: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2-transport: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosbag2-transport-dbgsym: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-rosgraph-msgs: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-rosgraph-msgs-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-rosidl-generator-py: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-rosidl-typesupport-c: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-rosidl-typesupport-c-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-rosidl-typesupport-cpp: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-rosidl-typesupport-cpp-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-shared-queues-vendor: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-sqlite3-vendor: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
* ros-crystal-sros2: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-sros2-cmake: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* [ros-crystal-teleop-twist-keyboard](http://wiki.ros.org/teleop_twist_keyboard): 2.1.1-1 -> 2.2.0-0
* ros-crystal-test-msgs: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
* ros-crystal-test-msgs-dbgsym: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
### Removed Packages [1]:
- ros-crystal-nav2-system-tests
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
* AWS B9 Team
* Amazon B9
* Brian Wilcox
* Carl Delsey
* Carlos Orduno
* Chris Lalancette
* Daniel Stonier
* David V. Lu!!
* Davide Faconti
* Dirk Thomas
* Jacob Perron
* Jose Luis Rivero
* Juan Pablo Samper
* Karsten Knese
* Michael Carroll
* Michael Ferguson
* Michael Jeronimo
* Mikael Arguedas
* Scott K Logan
* Shane Loretz
* Steve Macenski
* Steven! Ragnarok
* Tully Foote
* William Woodall
[Visit Topic](https://discourse.ros.org/t/patch-release-and-new-packages-for-ros-2-crystal-clemmys-2019-03-14/8311/1) or reply to this email to respond.
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