On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Dirk Thomas <dthomas@osrfoundation.org> wrote:
Tully has announced on ros-users that everybody should migrate repositories away from kforge.ros.org / code.ros.org (http://lists.ros.org/pipermail/ros-users/2013-September/067953.html).
Simply because we have (nearly) no control over these servers anymore and they might go away anytime.

Doesn't OSRF control the ros.org DNS names? Would OSU host those repos?
I am not aware of any package released into Hydro that still uses code.ros.org - so zero seems plausible for me.
But other references e.g. in Groovy should be updated if the repos have alraedy been migrated.

The Groovy references are all in the doc.yaml. The fact that there are none for Hydro may just mean that nobody is updating the documentation any longer. Not necessarily a good sign.
If the repos have not yet been migrated I can only advise every maintainer to grab their code and put it somewhere else or it might suddenly disappear...

When it does, a lot of Electric and Fuerte users are going to be very unhappy. And, the ROS wiki will be badly broken. 