Re: [ros-users] Costmap_2d_tutorials without stageros?

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Author: Eitan Marder-Eppstein
To: ros-users
Subject: Re: [ros-users] Costmap_2d_tutorials without stageros?

Are you publishing time when you playback the bag? If not, this could be the
problem. Try using the "-b" option of rosplay to publish simulation time.
Stageros does this by default so that could be why things work from the bag
when the simulator is up, but not otherwise.

Hope this helps,


On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 8:35 AM, Daniel Maier <
> wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 16:52:42 +0200, Brian Gerkey <>
> wrote:
> > hi Daniel,
> >
> > costmap_2d can definitely be used without stageros. But it needs a
> > source of laser data and transforms. When you comment out stageros
> > from your launch file, you're no longer feeding any data into the
> > costmap. That's why callbacks aren't being invoked. Laser and
> > transform data could come from a simulation (e.g., stageros), a
> > physical robot, or playback of logged data from a bag file
> > (
> >
> >       brian.

> Hi Brian,
> Thanks for your answer. I think I missed to provide some information.
> My laser data is stored in a bag file and published by rosbag in the topic
> /laser.
> The frame_id of /laser is /Laser_frame.
> /odom is the odometry frame and /Base_link the first (and only) child of
> /odom representing the robot base.
> So my tf tree looks (simplified) like this:
> /odom-> /Base_link -> /Pantilt_link -> /Laser_frame
> With stageros running the costmap created by the costmap_2d_tutorial node
> seems to be using my laser data from the aforementioned bag file.
> If I outcomment stageros in the launch file, nothing happens.
> In both cases I am using the same costmap_params.yaml file.
> Any ideas?
> Best,
> Dan
> >
> > On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 6:28 AM, Daniel Maier
> > <> wrote:
> >> Hi!
> >>
> >> I think about using costmap_2d in one of my projects so I played around
> >> with the costmap_2d_tutorials.
> >> Is it possible to run the costmap without stageros?
> >> Here is a launch file I use for bringing up a costmap:
> >>
> >> <launch>
> >>   <param name="/use_sim_time" value="true"/>
> >>   <node pkg="costmap_2d_tutorials" type="costmap_test" respawn="false"
> >> name="costmap_test" output="screen">
> >>     <rosparam file="$(find nav)/costmap_params.yaml" command="load"
> >> ns="costmap" />
> >>   </node>
> >>   <!--
> >>   <node pkg="stage" type="stageros" name="stageros" args="$(find
> >> 2dnav_stage)/worlds/" respawn="false" >
> >>     <param name="base_watchdog_timeout" value="0.2"/>
> >>   </node>
> >>   -->
> >> </launch>

> >>
> >> If I include the stageros node everything works as expected (I guess).
> >> If I don't, the laserScanCallback in costmap_2d_ros.cpp is not being
> >> called.
> >>
> >> Here is my costmap_params.yaml file:
> >>
> >> global_frame: /odom
> >> robot_base_frame: Base_link
> >> update_frequency: 5.0
> >> publish_frequency: 2.0
> >> transform_tolerance: 0.3
> >> obstacle_range: 12.5
> >> max_obstacle_height: 1.0
> >> raytrace_range: 13.5
> >> inscribed_radius: 0.15
> >> circumscribed_radius: 0.29
> >> inflation_radius: 0.4
> >> observation_sources: laser
> >> laser:
> >> data_type: LaserScan
> >> expected_update_rate: 0.2
> >> observation_persistence: 5.0
> >> marking: true
> >> clearing: true
> >> max_obstacle_height: 0.9
> >> min_obstacle_height: 0.08
> >>
> >> static_map: false
> >> rolling_window: true
> >> width: 10.0
> >> height: 10.0
> >> resolution: 0.025
> >> map_type: voxel
> >> origin_x: 0.0
> >> origin_y: 0.0
> >> origin_z: 0.0
> >> z_resolution: 0.2
> >> z_voxels: 10
> >> unknown_threshold: 6
> >> mark_threshold: 0
> >> cost_scaling_factor: 10.0
> >> lethal_cost_threshold: 100
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks for your help,
> >> Dan
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