On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 7:20 AM, Jack O'Quin <
jack.oquin@gmail.com> wrote:
> The Fuerte migration page says roscreate-stack is no longer supported.
> Maintaining stack.xml dependencies by hand is tedious and error-prone.
> What scripts or tools are available to facilitate those dependency calculations?
As more ROS stacks resemble system dependencies, the developer is now
responsible for knowing what system dependencies their code use and
properly declare them. With more ROS stacks installing as system
dependencies, more and more dependency information will be hidden
within CMake declarations. For example, you can now compile against
common_msgs without declaring any <depend/> tags. Thus, a
roscreate-stack-like tool is essentially unmaintainable in the future,
unless it attempted to parse build files.
- Ken
> --
> joq
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