[ros-users] REP133 wstool

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Onderwerp: [ros-users] REP133 wstool

attached is REP133, which describes the wstool command that replaces
rosws for catkin workspaces in Groovy. It is a lot of text to justify
the introduction, but it boils down to very little change.

Basically catkin generates it's own setup.*sh files, and does not use
the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH anymore.
So the wstool command is a clone of rosws which does not create
setup.*sh files anymore, and does not use "other or "setup-file"
elements in the .rosinstall, which were required for setup.*sh and
ROS_PACKAGE_PATH respectively.

For rosbuild workspaces, continue to use rosws.

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REP: 133
Title: Separation of build environment and source tree tools
Author: Tully Foote <>, Dirk Thomas <>, Thibault Kruse <>, William Woodall <>
Status: Active
Type: Informational
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 09-Nov-2012


This REP defines the redesign of the rosinstall/rosws [1]_, [4]_ tools for
catkin [2]_ workspaces. It suggest introducing two new commands,
called wstool and catkin_make, such that rosws and rosinstall will go
out of support at the same time as rosbuild.


For catkin workspaces in ROS groovy, the rosws command will be
replaced by a similar command that mirrors rosws syntax and
functionality, with minor exceptions. wstool will not generate
environment setup files (setup.sh, setup.bash, setup.zsh), nor an
initial catkin CMakeLists.txt.

wstool commands and options will be those of rosws:

``wstool init``: same as rosws init, but wstool has no --catkin and
no --cmake-prefix-path option, also does not generate setup files.

The following commands retain their options and semantics from rosws::

wstool update
wstool diff
wstool status
wstool info
wstool set
wstool merge

There is no equivalent command for ``rosws regenerate``, which only
regenerates env setup files.

The wstool command will not use the ROS_WORKSPACE environment that
rosws used to allow manipulations of the workspace from anywhere in
the filesystem with workspace-relative paths. This means the user has
to either enter the vcs workspace he wants to operate on, or pass a
target parameter to the command. For safety of operations, this also
means that ROS_WORKSPACE will be unset by ros distributions when
activating catkin workspaces, to prevent users from accidentally
invoking the wrong tool and changing the wrong source tree.

The wstool command will ignore non-vcs entries in the target workspace
of the command, but it will raise errors for any command that attempts
to add such entries to the target workspace configuration file
(.rosinstall). Raising errors is considered useful as this should
mostly happen if users attempt to set up invalid wstool workspaces,
e.g. by mistakenly applying the wstool command similar to the rosws
command to initialize a folder.


Early ROS releases were supported by the ``rosinstall`` tool, which
provided communication with several VCSs, maintenance of a list of
folders to crawl for packages to be built and creation of a build and
runtime environment (via the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH set in generated
setup.*sh files). REP 110 introduced the rosws tool, which covered the
same functionality but provided a VCS-like command syntax.

The introduction of catkin as a buildsystem to replace rosbuild
changes the requirements or a tool to support multiple VCS repositories:

Environment setup.*sh file generation

With rosbuild, rosinstall/rosws did not only perform VCS operations,
but also generated setup.*sh files. Sourcing those files established
an environment (mainly setting of ROS_PACKAGE_PATH) where tools like
rosrun would operate with the given source tree as runtime
environment. This allowed several separate developer runtime
environments on the same computer.

With catkin, the environment setup is done for every development or
install space, not once for each workspaces, and thus catkin itself
provides the generation of setup.*sh files in the devel and install

In catkin workspaces, the workspace folder instead requires a
CMakeLists.txt that triggers the build of catkin packages in the
subfolder tree. However setting up a catkin workspace involves several
further steps which are likely to vary over time as catkin changes, so
the setup of a build environment should no more be provided by a
workspace support tool.

Build set management, the "other" element

rosbuild relies on an environment variable called ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
(colon separated paths) to manage the set of packages to be build, and
the runtime environment. Other rosbuild related tools (e.g. rospack)
used the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH variable to determine the location of a
package given a package name. The order of entries in
ROS_PACKAGE_PATH allowed overlaying packages, with similarly named
packages, earlier entries would be preferred.

rosinstall/rosws provide a means to set a ROS_PACKAGE_PATH via
sourcing of setup.*sh files that read the entries or .rosinstall and
set the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. The list of folders in ROS_PACKAGE_PATH also
allows overlaying of e.g. installed packages with custom packages.

This has another feature as a side-effect. Dropping new package
folders into the rosbuild workspace folder would not automatically add
those to the build process. This behavior was only possible by adding
folders to a so-called "sandbox" folder, a folder that rosws /
rosinstall ignored for vcs commands but put on the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

Both for supporting packages not yet under version control as well as
sandbox folders, rosinstall/rosws defines a non-vcs element that can
be added to the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, the "other" element. Any such folder
is used placed in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH for build and runtime tools,
but is not used for workspace vcs operations.

With catkin workspaces and catkin generated runtime environments, the
ROS_PACKAGE_PATH is not used to determine overlaying order of catkin
packages. Instead, at build time catkin crawls the whole source folder
for package folders, with the ability to prevent crawling subfolders
by using marker files. The runtime environments (install space and
develspace) use the FHS layout instead of the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH to
locate package resources.

So using a rosws workspace, a folder copied into the workspace is not
part of the build process by default (unless added to a sandbox),
whereas in catkin a newly added folder is by default immediately part
of the build process (unless in the subtree of a folder marked to be

Regarding build_time overlaying, catkin does not allow the same
package to exist twice in a given workspace. So overlaying is possible
only via separate, chained workspaces. Regarding run-time overlaying,
catkin uses the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to overlay packages.

So the requirement to maintain a list of locations inside a workspace
folder is currently not relevant for the catkin build process anymore,
and any "other" element in a catkin workspace is ignored for both the
build and the vcs processes, such elements have currently no purpose.

Similarly, the "setup-file" element introduced with ROS fuerte has no
purpose with catkin anymore. This element allowed the setup.sh file
generated by rosws to include other shell scripts in the sourcing
process, and thus to source ROS environment setup files.

Single workspace and global command invocation

rosinstall/rosws was limited to using a single workspace folder at a
time, because chaining of workspaces using include or import semantics
proved to bring more effort than benefits. The rosws command came with
a convenience feature that allowed performing VCS actions without
specifying a target workspace. rosinstall and rosws both use a single
file called ".rosinstall" located in the root of a workspace folder.
The rosws command would consider the current folder and its parent
folder, and an environment variable ROS_WORKSPACE, so that the user
could call "rosws update" from anywhere in the file tree, and the last
activated workspace folder would be used (or an ancestor folder with a
.rosinstall file if no ROS_WORKSPACE env var had been set).

With catkin, it becomes difficult to infer a desired workspace for a
vcs command based on the environment created by catkin's setup.sh
files. An ad hoc initial solution used the value from .catkin which in
a devel space points to folders used with the cmake
invocation. However, this solution is problematic for several reasons:

- the install space does not point to source folders that way, .catkin
is empty then.

- .catkin may have multiple entries, supporting isolated builds and
merging the builds of several source spaces.

So in general, an environment generated by catkins setup.*sh does not
point to a single folder, but to 0-n folders.

This means commands like 'rosws merge foo.rosinstall' cannot be
provided with a single target source folder from the catkin
environment, similarly no global ROS_WORKSPACE variable can be set
from the catkin environment.

The --catkin option

With the migration to catkin fuerte, a quick workaround solution was
implemented, adding a --catkin option to rosinstall and rosws commands
that would suppress generation of setup.*sh files and generate a
CMakeLists.txt file compliant with catkin instead::

rosinstall --catkin ...
rosws init --catkin ...
rosws regenerate --catkin ...

The --catkin option suppresses generation of setup.*sh files, and
instead generates a CMakeLists.txt (incompatible with catkin groovy at
the time of writing, pending new release of catkin fuerte and change to
rosinstall code to invoke catkin_init_workspace).

With this option the user always has to remember to call the --catkin
option, else setup.*sh files would be generated. While there is no
harm, this approach easily causes user confusion, and since catkin is
supposed to replace rosbuild, the default behavior should not require
users to invoke commands providing the --catkin option. However
replacing the default behavior or rosws would be equally bad for users of ROS
electric and fuerte using rosbuild.

Devel and install spaces with out-of-source builds

rosbuild used in-source builds, such that each package source folder
also contained the build artifacts next to the source files.

catkin strongly suggests out-of-source and out-of-project builds. This
means build artifacts for a package will be generated into a different
folder than the package folder (as opposed to simple out-of-source
builds, where a build folder in the package folder contains the build

The recommended catkin workflow recommends separating source space,
build space, devel space and install space into four separate folders,
where with rosbuild a single folder contained all artifacts. This
also impacts setting up a build process. Whereas with rosbuild, the
rosmake command allowed starting a build process globally, with
catkin, a cmake command invocation with specialized options is


Therefore, differently named commands will be used for each kind of
workspace, providing a clearer separation of concerns with the tools.

There will be a wstool command for all VCS commands, and a catkin_make
tool for help with setting up a build folder layout and invoking cmake
and make accordingly.

The new tools can also later be extended to better support the
different constraints of catkin workspaces without compromising the
simplicity and robustness which currently exist in rosws/rosinstall.

Also this problem reveals the general problem of mixing source
management with setting up an environment. While rosinstall allowed
setting up a workspace with just a single command, this design made
it hard for rosinstall to support several ROS distributions with ever
changing environment properties.

Therefore, the rosws replacement for catkin workspaces will not offer
any environment generation capabilities (setup.sh and similar), but
merely maintain a single declarative file with source projects and the
file tree (the .rosinstall file, as usual).


REP128 drafts a model workspace for usage with catkin.

This is the recommended layout for development::

 workspace_folder/        --WORKSPACE
   src/                   --SOURCE SPACE
     CMakeLists.txt       --This is symlinked to catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake
   build/                 --BUILD SPACE
     CATKIN_IGNORE        --Marking the folder to be ignored when crawling for packages
   devel/                 --DEVEL SPACE
     .catkin              --Marking the folder as a development space (the file contains a semicolon separated list of Source space paths)

Setting up this workspace manually is tedious and error-prone. The
catkin_make tool will help creating this structure, possibly by invoking
other tools such as cmake. The implementation details of catkin_make
are not part of this REP.

A user would use wstool only on the src folder::

  workspace_folder/        --WORKSPACE
    src/                   --SOURCE SPACE
      CMakeLists.txt       --This is symlinked to catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake

wstool init will create a .rosinstall file which will act the same way
as for the rosinstall tool before.

The wstool commands will affect this .rosinstall file and folders
mentioned in it.

Caveat: Using .rosinstall as marker file for wstool may cause some
confusion for users when creating rosbuild workspaces overlaying
catkin workspaces. Those will not get useful results when trying to
init with a wstool workspace, since they should instead init with a
catkin devel space or install space.

This will yield positive results::

$ rosws init ~/rosbuild_ws ~/groovy_underlay/devel

while this will not::

$ rosws init ~/rosbuild_ws ~/groovy_underlay/src

However using a differently named marker file may equally be difficult
to learn, and to use while switching between rosbuild and catkin

Design decisions

This section describes the alternative possibilities that were
considerd. The first choice in each list is what made it into the

A. Alternatives for VCS workspace activation

VCS workspace activation means changing something in the environment
variables such that wstool can infer what folder to work on.

The problem is not only to activate a workspace, but also to
deactivate it when the user is working on a different one. In
particular we can expect our users to sometimes call the wrong tool
(rosws vs. wstool), and we need such situations to remain benign.

The following design decisions are possible:

1. No activation, context-only

Determine wstool target workspace by searching for .rosinstall file in chain
of path ancestors (similar to git). A target parameter can be used to
override context.

Deactivation is required for ROS_WORKSPACE to prevent accidental calls
to rosws to harm the users source tree.

2. Using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH / catkin_pkg heuristically

wstool could crawl the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, take the first one that
contains a .catkin file, parse that file for semicolon-separated
entries, and use the first of those or all as workspace root. Using
all entries would create further problems and is a corner case anyway, since
with most users, there should only ever be one location in a .cmake

One problem with this is that this introduces a dependency to catkin
internals. A pure vcs support tool should not rely on a variable like
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or a build tool to operate. Also some confusion may
arise when rosws and wstool have different was of globally determining
the current workspace. Finally this does not work with install spaces.

Another huge problem is that when the user uses a rosbuild workspace
on top of a catkin workspace, or after it in the same terminal, the
catkin workspace cannot get deactivated. So accidental calls to wstool
harm the users source tree.

3. Providing a separate setup.sh file setting ROS_WORKSPACE

wstool could still generate a shell file (e.g. setup.sh,
wstool_env.sh) which does nothing else than setting an environment
variable, e.g. ROS_WORKSPACE, and rely on the user to source it.

Such a file may also be confusing because it does not set up a catkin

No deactivation required.

4. Use custom env hook

catkin allows environment hooks, meaning shell scripts that will be
run when sourcing setup.*sh files. Such a hook could be provided by a
catkin package and set ROS_WORKSPACE to one of the source spaces
(usually there is just one) used to build::

_SPACES=(`echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH | tr ':' ' '`)
# select the first entry, if several
unset _SPACES
@[end if]@

A proof-of-concept implementation of the wstool env hook exists at

Equivalent solutions might use the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and .catkin file instead.

However this fails with install spaces and also with multiple source
trees contributing to the same devel space.

Deactivation is required for ROS_WORKSPACE for catkin install spaces
with this solution.

B. Alternatives regarding the creation of wstools

As mentioned before, the creation of a second tool is also driven by
the wish to create catkin source trees without using a --catkin option
with rosinstall/rosws.

1. Create a new tool wstool

This covers the same features as rosws, but for catkin
workspaces. Meaning no setup.*sh files will be generated, it is not
possible to create rosbuild workspaces with this tool. A similar
replacement for rosinstall is not planned at this time.

2. Keep rosws with --catkin option

Not desirable because of user confusion. When a user forgets to pass
that option during a rosinstall, rosws init or rosws merge call,
setup.*sh files will be generated that have no purpose.

However, this alternative has the benefit that it allows more easily
to later introduce a new tool wstool which drops several other
rosinstall design decisions that are no more relevant in
catkin. Examples are the requirement to determine a fixed order of
local repositories (for ROS_PACKAGE_PATH precedence) and the resulting
registry of each ROS_PACKAGE_PATH entry (instead of just a root folder).

3. Change rosws default behavior to be setup.*sh agnostic

In theory rosws could be changed to never generate anything else than a
.rosinstall file. For the rosbuild case, this would mean we'd need a
small helper script to create those files, like
ros_create_env [PATH]. This might also have benefits, but would mean
that plenty of tutorials on the web would have to change their installation

C. Mutual compatibility between rosws and wstool

Since initially, rosws and wstool perform the same vcs operations
using the same rosinstall file syntax, it is possible to make them
mutually compatible except for the workspace initialization
(generation of setup.*sh files).

1. Both use ".rosinstall" filename

Doing so allows calling the tools interchangeably most of the times,
but prevents the tool from telling the user he should be using wstool
for catkin workspaces, and rosws for rosbuild workspaces.

This also allows to keep using the rosinstall tool for catkin
workspaces, as done in automated scripts.

2. Use a new filename for wstool

Meaning e.g. ".wstool" instead of ".rosinstall". Doing so allows the
tools to diverge more in the long run, but prevent the users from
using the same command where it would technically be possible. Also
the extension ".rosinstall" indicates a certain file syntax, and it is
beneficial to keep the same name as long as the syntax remains the
same. Such a change of name would be more reasonable in the future along
with a change of the syntax within the file.

However, it must be noted that in catkin, the "other" element of
the rosinstall syntax has no effect on the build anymore, so in a way,
the syntaxes are already different.

3. Use a new file format for wstool

wstool could introduce a new file format, or a flag inside the
.rosinstall file that rosws and wstool use to tell the user he is
using the wrong tool for the given workspace. However introducing a
new syntax cleanly takes more time than we currently have.

D. Drop-in support for vcs folders like catkin

For the build process, catkin allows drop-ins per default, meaning a
user can copy a package into the source space, and by default it will
be used in the next build process. rosws required using the rosws tool
to declare any new packages in the .rosinstall file before they became
part of the build process, unless using a sandbox folder. A sandbox
folder however also prevented subfolders to be part of VCS operations.

Supporting drop-in behavior for vcs operations is generally unsafe for
the user, as it does not allow keeping a local clone at a specific version.

rosinstall/rosws define an "other" element with the semantics that
this folder will no be considered for SCM operations, but its
subfolders will be added to the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH via the setup.*sh env
files generated by rosws/rosinstall. The "other" element has no
function in catkin anymore, given that in catkin no setup.*sh are
generated by rosws.

While the specification of this REP does not decide on this,
discussions around this feature has influenced the other decisions.

1. No support for drop-in repositories

Like with rosws, new local clones of repositories have to be
registered in the .rosinstall file individually to be included in VCS
operations. wstool does not support vcs operations outside listed vcs

2. Support for generic SCM operations in new-style dropin folders

wstool (and rosws) could be extended to have a new element (similar to
the "other" element) which point to a path, under which all vcs
folders will have default semantic VCS operations applied to them on
wstool invocations.

3. Support for generic SCM operations in sandbox folders

wstool (and rosws) could be extended to support some default vcs
behavior when a user drops local repositories in a sandbox folder.
Currently sandbox folders in rosbuild are declared in the rosinstall
syntax using the "other" element, which implies that subfolders will
be part of the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, but no VCS operation will be
performed on them by rosws/rosinstall.

A new element like "drop-in" could change that behavior, such that
subfolders would also be included in vcs operations via default

4. Generally update all workspace subfolders

wstool could crawl all workspace subfolders, and either perform the
usual operation if the subfolder is listed with a version in the
.rosinstall file, or perform some VCS operation with default semantics.

D. "other" and "setup-file" elements in wstool

Currently, "other" and "setup-file" elements in a catkin workspace
have no effect whatsoever. They have effect only in rosbuild
workspaces. This can be confusing to users if they happen to see such
elements in rosinstall files for rosbuild.

1. Forbid adding "other" elements for wstool, ignore existing

wstool commands fail if working on files having an "other" element.

It is slightly inconsistent, but allows the code base to remain
largely the same. This should not break anything. This also allows to
invoke wstool commands on existing rosws workspaces, which may be a
small bonus.

2. Raise error whenever detecting a non-vcs element

wstool command raises an error whenever a .rosinstall file it reads
has a non-vcs element.

This allows very consistent usage of rosinstall files in the
new environment.

3. Ignore "other" elements in wstool

wstool does not create "other" elements, and but does not raise an
error when this is attempted neither. When reading .rosinstall files,
it ignores "other" elements as if they were commented out (e.g. they
are not shown on wstool info).

This is very inconsistent, but allows even more of the code base to
remain largely the same.

4. Support "other" elements in wstool

wstool treats "other" elements exactly like rosws, meaning it may
create currently pointless "other" elements, and the set command can
turn vcs elements into "other" elements. A deprecation warning can be

While this would be confusing in the long run if the "other" element
never gets any purpose, in the short term this allows easier sharing
of code between rosws and wstool, and thus lesss maintenance effort.

This is a quirk that does not cause breakage, just confusion.

On the Groovy release date, this behavior was present in wstool.

Backwards Compatibility

The rosws command remains functionally identical and will continue to be maintained.

Reference Implementation

The Groovy distribution of ROS will provide two separate additional
tools wstool and catkin_make following the guidelines of this REP.

References and Footnotes

.. [1] rosinstall

.. [2] catkin

.. [3] ROS_WORKSPACE with catkin

.. [4] REP 110, SCM-like rosinstall command structure


This document has been placed in the public domain.

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