[ros-users] Combine robot_state_publisher with tf::Transform…

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Author: Kelsey Hawkins
To: User discussions
Subject: [ros-users] Combine robot_state_publisher with tf::TransformListener?
I'd bet that 90-100% of transform requests in typical ros systems run
through a chain delivered through robot_state_publisher. Wouldn't it make
sense to optionally allow tf::TransformListener to parse a URDF and
subscribe to /joint_states in addition to /tf? The advantage is that you
can do proper interpolation between joint configurations and you vastly
reduce the bandwidth of /tf. Plus, you eliminate a processor intensive node
which is mostly relaying redundant information easily read from the URDF.

I'm sure this isn't a novel idea, but are there any plans to integrate this
behavior into ROS core? Any caveats?

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