Hi Everyone,
We have another set of updated packages now available for Indigo, Hydro,
and Groovy. There are several hundred updated packages as well as 111 new
packages included in this release. This includes a few last minute patches
for groovy packages.
Thanks to the many maintainers providing the community with access to their
packages! We have now broken the 1000 mark for the number of packages
available in Indigo. Full details of the updates are below.
Your ROS Release Team
Updates to indigo
Added Packages [82]:
* ros-indigo-ackermann-vehicle: 0.1.0-0
* ros-indigo-ackermann-vehicle-description: 0.1.0-0
* ros-indigo-ackermann-vehicle-gazebo: 0.1.0-0
* ros-indigo-ar-sys: 1.0.3-0
* ros-indigo-ardrone-autonomy: 1.3.7-0
* ros-indigo-bag-tools: 0.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-care-o-bot: 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-care-o-bot-robot: 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-care-o-bot-simulation: 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-carl-interactive-manipulation: 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-cob-bringup: 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-bringup-sim: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-control-mode-adapter: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-controller-configuration-gazebo: 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-driver: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-frame-tracker: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-gazebo: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-hardware-interface: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-linear-nav: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-mapping-slam: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-navigation: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-navigation-config: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-navigation-global: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-navigation-local: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-navigation-slam: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-path-broadcaster: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-robots: 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-scan-unifier: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-simulation: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-voltage-control: 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cv-backports: 0.1.3-0
* ros-indigo-frontier-exploration: 0.2.2-0
* ros-indigo-jackal-control: 0.3.0-0
* ros-indigo-jackal-diff-drive-controller: 0.3.0-0
* ros-indigo-jackal-gazebo: 0.2.2-0
* ros-indigo-jackal-simulator: 0.2.2-0
* ros-indigo-launch-tools: 0.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-ml-classifiers: 0.3.1-2
* ros-indigo-mm-core-msgs: 0.2.0-0
* ros-indigo-mm-eigen-msgs: 0.2.0-0
* ros-indigo-mm-messages: 0.2.0-0
* ros-indigo-mm-mux-demux: 0.2.0-0
* ros-indigo-mm-radio: 0.2.0-0
* ros-indigo-mm-vision-msgs: 0.2.0-0
* ros-indigo-mongodb-log: 0.0.4-0
* ros-indigo-mongodb-store: 0.0.4-0
* ros-indigo-mongodb-store-cpp-client: 0.0.4-0
* ros-indigo-mongodb-store-msgs: 0.0.4-0
* ros-indigo-nanomsg: 0.4.0-1
* ros-indigo-nao-moveit-config: 0.0.2-0
* ros-indigo-nav2-bringup: 0.0.7-1
* ros-indigo-nav2-driver: 0.0.7-1
* ros-indigo-nav2-navigation: 0.0.7-1
* ros-indigo-nav2-platform: 0.0.7-1
* ros-indigo-object-recognition-ros-visualization: 0.3.5-0
* ros-indigo-openrtm-aist: 1.1.0-16
* ros-indigo-plot-tools: 0.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-pointcloud-tools: 0.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-rail-segmentation: 0.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-romeo-dcm-bringup: 0.0.8-0
* ros-indigo-romeo-dcm-control: 0.0.8-0
* ros-indigo-romeo-dcm-driver: 0.0.8-0
* ros-indigo-romeo-dcm-msgs: 0.0.8-0
* ros-indigo-romeo-description: 0.0.8-0
* ros-indigo-romeo-moveit-config: 0.2.1-0
* ros-indigo-romeo-sensors: 0.0.8-0
* ros-indigo-ros-emacs-utils: 0.4.2-0
* ros-indigo-roslisp-repl: 0.4.2-0
* ros-indigo-rospilot: 0.1.1-2
* ros-indigo-slime-ros: 0.4.2-0
* ros-indigo-slime-wrapper: 0.4.2-0
* ros-indigo-srv-tools: 0.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-tf-tools: 0.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-turtlebot-arm-block-manipulation: 0.3.3-0
* ros-indigo-ueye: 0.0.3-2
* ros-indigo-underwater-sensor-msgs: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-underwater-vehicle-dynamics: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-uwsim-bullet: 2.82.1-0
* ros-indigo-uwsim-osgbullet: 3.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-uwsim-osgocean: 1.0.2-0
* ros-indigo-uwsim-osgworks: 3.0.3-0
* ros-indigo-xv-11-laser-driver: 0.2.2-0
Updated Packages [217]:
* ros-indigo-brics-actuator: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-calibration: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-indigo-calibration-estimation: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-indigo-calibration-launch: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-indigo-calibration-msgs: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-indigo-camera-calibration: 1.12.8-0 -> 1.12.9-0
* ros-indigo-camera-calibration-parsers: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
* ros-indigo-camera-info-manager: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
* ros-indigo-carl-bot: 0.0.4-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-carl-bringup: 0.0.4-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-carl-description: 0.0.4-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-carl-dynamixel: 0.0.4-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-carl-navigation: 0.0.2-0 -> 0.0.5-0
* ros-indigo-carl-teleop: 0.0.4-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-cob-base-drive-chain: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-base-velocity-smoother: 0.5.4-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-calibration-data: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-cam3d-throttle: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-indigo-cob-camera-sensors: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-canopen-motor: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-collision-velocity-filter: 0.5.4-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-command-gui: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-command-tools: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-common: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-control: 0.5.4-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-dashboard: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-default-env-config: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-default-robot-config: 0.5.4-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-description: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-environments: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-extern: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.6.0-1
* ros-indigo-cob-footprint-observer: 0.5.4-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-gazebo-objects: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-gazebo-worlds: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-generic-can: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-grasp-generation: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-hardware-config: 0.5.4-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-head-axis: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-image-flip: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-indigo-cob-interactive-teleop: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-kinematics: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-lbr: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-light: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-lookat-action: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-lookat-controller: 0.5.4-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-manipulation: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-monitoring: 0.5.4-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-moveit-config: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-moveit-interface: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-msgs: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-object-detection-msgs: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-indigo-cob-perception-common: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-indigo-cob-perception-msgs: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-indigo-cob-phidgets: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-pick-place-action: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-relayboard: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0saucy
* ros-indigo-cob-safety-controller: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-script-server: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-sick-lms1xx: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-sick-s300: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-sound: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-srvs: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-substitute: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-tactiletools: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-teleop: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-teleop-cob4: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-trajectory-controller: 0.5.4-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-tray-monitor: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-cob-twist-controller: 0.5.4-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-undercarriage-ctrl: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-utilities: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-cob-vision-utils: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
* ros-indigo-cv-bridge: 1.11.4-0 -> 1.11.5-0
* ros-indigo-depth-image-proc: 1.12.8-0 -> 1.12.9-0
* ros-indigo-desire-description: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-build: 0.60.1-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-command-line: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-concepts: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-config: 0.60.1-2 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-containers: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-converters: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-converters-lite: 0.60.1-2 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-core: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-core-apps: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-devices: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-eigen: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-errors: 0.60.1-2 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-exceptions: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-formatters: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-geometry: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-io: 0.60.1-2 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-ipc: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-license: 0.60.1-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-linear-algebra: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-lite: 0.60.1-2 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-math: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-mpl: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-sigslots: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-sigslots-lite: 0.60.1-2 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-statistics: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-streams: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-threads: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-time: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-time-lite: 0.60.1-2 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-tools: 0.60.1-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-type-traits: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-ecl-utilities: 0.60.9-1 -> 0.61.0-0
* ros-indigo-euslisp: 1.1.22-0 -> 1.1.24-0
* ros-indigo-frida-driver: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-geneus: 1.1.22-0 -> 1.1.24-0
* ros-indigo-geodesy: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-indigo-geographic-info: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-indigo-geographic-msgs: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-indigo-geometry-experimental: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
* ros-indigo-image-cb-detector: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-indigo-image-common: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
* ros-indigo-image-geometry: 1.11.4-0 -> 1.11.5-0
* ros-indigo-image-pipeline: 1.12.8-0 -> 1.12.9-0
* ros-indigo-image-proc: 1.12.8-0 -> 1.12.9-0
* ros-indigo-image-rotate: 1.12.8-0 -> 1.12.9-0
* ros-indigo-image-transport: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
* ros-indigo-image-view: 1.12.8-0 -> 1.12.9-0
* ros-indigo-interval-intersection: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-indigo-ipa-canopen: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-ipa-canopen-core: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-ipa-canopen-ros: 0.5.7-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-jackal-description: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.3.0-0
* ros-indigo-jackal-desktop: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.2.0-0
* ros-indigo-jackal-msgs: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.3.0-0
* ros-indigo-jackal-viz: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.2.0-0
* ros-indigo-jaco-description: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-jaco-interaction: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-jaco-sdk: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-jaco-teleop: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-joint-states-settler: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-indigo-jsk-roseus: 1.1.22-0 -> 1.1.24-0
* ros-indigo-kobuki-dashboard: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0
* ros-indigo-kobuki-desktop: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0
* ros-indigo-kobuki-gazebo: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0
* ros-indigo-kobuki-gazebo-plugins: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0
* ros-indigo-kobuki-qtestsuite: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0
* ros-indigo-kobuki-rviz-launchers: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0
* ros-indigo-laser-cb-detector: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-indigo-libntcan: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.6.0-1
* ros-indigo-libpcan: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.6.0-1
* ros-indigo-libphidgets: 0.5.3-0 -> 0.6.0-1
* ros-indigo-mavlink: 1.0.9-10 -> 2014.09.22-0
* ros-indigo-mavros: 0.7.1-0 -> 0.8.0-0
* ros-indigo-mavros-extras: 0.7.1-0 -> 0.8.0-0
* ros-indigo-monocam-settler: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-indigo-moveit-simple-grasps: 1.1.0-0 -> 1.2.0-1
* ros-indigo-moveit-visual-tools: 1.2.1-0 -> 1.3.0-0
* ros-indigo-nao-bringup: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-indigo-nao-description: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-indigo-nao-driver: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-indigo-nao-meshes: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.6-0
* ros-indigo-nao-msgs: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-indigo-nao-pose: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-indigo-nao-robot: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-indigo-nao-sensors: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.2.0-0
* ros-indigo-object-recognition-ros: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
* ros-indigo-opencv3: 2.9.0-2 -> 2.9.1-1
* ros-indigo-pcl-ros: 1.2.0-0 -> 1.2.1-0
* ros-indigo-perception-pcl: 1.2.0-0 -> 1.2.1-0
* ros-indigo-polled-camera: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
* ros-indigo-prace-common: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-prace-gripper-driver: 0.5.2-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-raw-description: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-rocon-gateway: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0
* ros-indigo-rocon-gateway-tests: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0
* ros-indigo-rocon-gateway-utils: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0
* ros-indigo-rocon-hub: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0
* ros-indigo-rocon-hub-client: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0
* ros-indigo-rocon-multimaster: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0
* ros-indigo-rocon-test: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0
* ros-indigo-rocon-unreliable-experiments: 0.7.4-0 -> 0.7.5-0
* ros-indigo-rosemacs: 0.4.1-3 -> 0.4.2-0
* ros-indigo-roseus: 1.1.22-0 -> 1.1.24-0
* ros-indigo-roseus-smach: 1.1.22-0 -> 1.1.24-0
* ros-indigo-rosserial: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
* ros-indigo-rosserial-arduino: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
* ros-indigo-rosserial-client: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
* ros-indigo-rosserial-embeddedlinux: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
* ros-indigo-rosserial-msgs: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
* ros-indigo-rosserial-python: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
* ros-indigo-rosserial-server: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
* ros-indigo-rosserial-windows: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
* ros-indigo-rosserial-xbee: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
* ros-indigo-schunk-description: 0.5.7-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-schunk-libm5api: 0.5.7-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-schunk-modular-robotics: 0.5.7-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-schunk-powercube-chain: 0.5.7-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-schunk-sdh: 0.5.7-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-schunk-simulated-tactile-sensors: 0.5.7-2 -> 0.6.1-0
* ros-indigo-settlerlib: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-indigo-stereo-image-proc: 1.12.8-0 -> 1.12.9-0
* ros-indigo-tf2: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
* ros-indigo-tf2-bullet: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
* ros-indigo-tf2-geometry-msgs: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
* ros-indigo-tf2-kdl: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
* ros-indigo-tf2-msgs: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
* ros-indigo-tf2-py: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
* ros-indigo-tf2-ros: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
* ros-indigo-tf2-tools: 0.5.5-0 -> 0.5.6-0
* ros-indigo-turtlebot-arm: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
* ros-indigo-turtlebot-arm-bringup: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
* ros-indigo-turtlebot-arm-description: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
* ros-indigo-turtlebot-arm-ikfast-plugin: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
* ros-indigo-turtlebot-arm-kinect-calibration: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
* ros-indigo-turtlebot-arm-moveit-config: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
* ros-indigo-turtlebot-arm-moveit-demos: 0.3.2-0 -> 0.3.3-0
* ros-indigo-urdfdom-py: 0.3.0-1 -> 0.3.0-2
* ros-indigo-vision-opencv: 1.11.4-0 -> 1.11.5-0
* ros-indigo-wpi-jaco: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-wpi-jaco-msgs: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-wpi-jaco-wrapper: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-indigo-yujin-maps: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
Removed Packages [0]:
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS
community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the
following maintainers:
* Alexander Bubeck
* Benjamin Maidel
* Chris Curbridge
* Christopher Berner
* Daniel Stonier
* Dave Coleman
* David Kent
* Felix Messmer
* Florian Mirus
* Florian Weisshardt
* Gayane Kazhoyan
* Ha Dang
* Hamdi Sahloul
* Ioan Sucan
* Jack O'Quin
* Jan Fischer
* Jihoon Lee
* Jim Rothrock
* Jorge Santos
* Joshua Hampp
* Kareem Shehata
* Kei Okada
* Kevin Hallenbeck
* Mani Monajjemi
* Marc Hanheide
* Marcus Liebhardt
* Mario Prats
* Mathias Luedtke
* Matthias Gruhler
* Matthias Luedtke
* Maximilian Sieber
* Mikael Arguedas
* Mike Purvis
* Miquel Massot
* MoveIt Setup Assistant
* Nadia Hammoudeh Garcia
* Nick Hawes
* Paul Bouchier
* Paul Bovbel
* Pep Lluis Negre
* Richard Bormann
* Russell Toris
* Scott Niekum
* Severin Lemaignan
* Séverin Lemaignan
* Thiago de Freitas
* Tully Foote
* Vincent Rabaud
* Vladimir Ermakov
* mikael arguedas
* rohan
Updates to hydro
Added Packages [23]:
* ros-hydro-applanix-bridge: 0.0.4-0
* ros-hydro-applanix-driver: 0.0.4-0
* ros-hydro-applanix-msgs: 0.0.4-0
* ros-hydro-ar-sys: 1.0.3-0
* ros-hydro-joint-qualification-controllers: 1.0.2-0
* ros-hydro-nao-moveit-config: 0.0.1-0
* ros-hydro-object-recognition-ros-visualization: 0.3.5-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-bringup-tests: 1.0.2-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-counterbalance-check: 1.0.2-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-hack-the-future: 1.0.5-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-joint-teleop: 1.0.5-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-make-a-map-app: 1.0.3-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-navigation-apps: 1.0.1-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-self-test: 1.0.2-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-self-test-msgs: 1.0.2-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-shield-teleop: 1.0.1-0precise
* ros-hydro-queue-web: 1.0.5-0
* ros-hydro-rviz-backdrop: 1.0.5-0
* ros-hydro-sr-moveit-config: 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-standalone: 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-stereo-wall-detection: 1.0.9-0
* ros-hydro-ueye: 0.0.3-0
* ros-hydro-voice-text: 1.0.41-0
Updated Packages [144]:
* ros-hydro-allocators: 1.0.7-1 -> 1.0.9-0
* ros-hydro-assimp-devel: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-bayesian-belief-networks: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-calibration: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-hydro-calibration-estimation: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-hydro-calibration-launch: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-hydro-calibration-msgs: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-hydro-camera-calibration-parsers: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
* ros-hydro-camera-info-manager: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
* ros-hydro-checkerboard-detector: 0.1.17-0 -> 0.1.22-0
* ros-hydro-collada-urdf-jsk-patch: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-dense-laser-assembler: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.4-0
* ros-hydro-depth-image-proc-jsk-patch: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-downward: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-dynamic-tf-publisher: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-euslisp: 1.1.22-0 -> 1.1.24-0
* ros-hydro-ff: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-ffha: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-frontier-exploration: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.2-0
* ros-hydro-geneus: 1.1.22-0 -> 1.1.24-0
* ros-hydro-geometry-experimental: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
* ros-hydro-hironx-moveit-config: 1.0.23-0 -> 1.0.24-0
* ros-hydro-hironx-ros-bridge: 1.0.23-0 -> 1.0.24-0
* ros-hydro-image-cb-detector: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-hydro-image-common: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
* ros-hydro-image-transport: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
* ros-hydro-image-view-jsk-patch: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-image-view2: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-imagesift: 0.1.17-0 -> 0.1.22-0
* ros-hydro-interval-intersection: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-hydro-joint-states-settler: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-common: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-footstep-msgs: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-gui-msgs: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-hark-msgs: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-interactive: 1.0.9-0 -> 1.0.12-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-interactive-marker: 1.0.9-0 -> 1.0.12-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-interactive-test: 1.0.9-0 -> 1.0.12-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-pcl-ros: 0.1.17-0 -> 0.1.22-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-perception: 0.1.17-0 -> 0.1.22-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-recognition: 0.1.17-0 -> 0.1.22-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-roseus: 1.1.22-0 -> 1.1.24-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-rqt-plugins: 1.0.9-0 -> 1.0.12-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-rviz-plugins: 1.0.9-0 -> 1.0.12-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-tools: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-jsk-topic-tools: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-laser-cb-detector: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-hydro-laser-filters-jsk-patch: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-laser-joint-processor: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.4-0
* ros-hydro-laser-joint-projector: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.4-0
* ros-hydro-libsiftfast: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-mavlink: 2014.09.10-0 -> 2014.09.22-0
* ros-hydro-mavros: 0.7.1-0 -> 0.8.0-0
* ros-hydro-mavros-extras: 0.7.1-0 -> 0.8.0-0
* ros-hydro-mongodb-log: 0.0.3-1 -> 0.0.4-0
* ros-hydro-mongodb-store: 0.0.3-1 -> 0.0.4-0
* ros-hydro-mongodb-store-cpp-client: 0.0.3-1 -> 0.0.4-0
* ros-hydro-mongodb-store-msgs: 0.0.3-1 -> 0.0.4-0
* ros-hydro-monocam-settler: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-hydro-moveit-visual-tools: 1.2.1-0 -> 1.3.0-2
* ros-hydro-multi-map-server: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-nao-bringup: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-hydro-nao-description: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-hydro-nao-driver: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-hydro-nao-meshes: 0.1.5-0 -> 0.1.6-0
* ros-hydro-nao-msgs: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-hydro-nao-pose: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-hydro-nao-robot: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
* ros-hydro-nao-sensors: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.2.0-0
* ros-hydro-nav2-bringup: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-hydro-nav2-driver: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-hydro-nav2-navigation: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-hydro-nav2-platform: 0.0.6-0 -> 0.0.7-0
* ros-hydro-nlopt: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-hydro-object-recognition-ros: 0.3.3-0 -> 0.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-openni-tracker-jsk-patch: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-opt-camera: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-pcl-ros: 1.1.8-0 -> 1.1.9-2
* ros-hydro-perception-pcl: 1.1.8-0 -> 1.1.9-2
* ros-hydro-polled-camera: 1.11.3-1 -> 1.11.4-0
* ros-hydro-posedetection-msgs: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-calibration: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.4-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-gripper-sensor: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.3-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-gripper-sensor-msgs: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.3-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-groovy-patches: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-image-snapshot-recorder: 1.0.4-0 -> 1.0.9-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-plugs-msgs: 1.0.4-0 -> 1.0.9-0
* ros-hydro-resized-image-transport: 0.1.17-0 -> 0.1.22-0
* ros-hydro-roseus: 1.1.22-0 -> 1.1.24-0
* ros-hydro-roseus-msgs: 1.1.22-0 -> 1.1.24-0
* ros-hydro-roseus-smach: 1.1.22-0 -> 1.1.24-0
* ros-hydro-rospatlite: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-rosping: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-rostwitter: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-rtmros-hironx: 1.0.23-0 -> 1.0.24-0
* ros-hydro-settlerlib: 0.10.10-0 -> 0.10.12-0
* ros-hydro-shadow-robot: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-shadow-robot-ethercat: 1.3.0-2 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sklearn: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-speech-recognition-msgs: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-sr-description: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-edc-controller-configuration: 1.3.0-2 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-edc-ethercat-drivers: 1.3.0-2 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-edc-launch: 1.3.0-2 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-edc-muscle-tools: 1.3.0-2 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-example: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-external-dependencies: 1.3.0-2 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-gazebo-plugins: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-gui-bootloader: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-gui-change-controllers: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-gui-change-muscle-controllers: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-gui-controller-tuner: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-gui-grasp-controller: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-gui-hand-calibration: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-gui-joint-slider: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-gui-motor-resetter: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-gui-movement-recorder: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-gui-muscle-driver-bootloader: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-gui-self-test: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-hand: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-hardware-interface: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-kinematics: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-mechanism-controllers: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-mechanism-model: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-movements: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-robot-lib: 1.3.0-2 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-robot-msgs: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-self-test: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-tactile-sensors: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-utilities: 1.3.0-6 -> 1.3.5-2
* ros-hydro-sr-visualization: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-sr-visualization-icons: 1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.4-0
* ros-hydro-stereo-synchronizer: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
* ros-hydro-tf2: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
* ros-hydro-tf2-bullet: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
* ros-hydro-tf2-geometry-msgs: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
* ros-hydro-tf2-kdl: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
* ros-hydro-tf2-msgs: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
* ros-hydro-tf2-py: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
* ros-hydro-tf2-ros: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
* ros-hydro-tf2-tools: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
* ros-hydro-urdfdom-py: 0.2.9-9 -> 0.2.9-10
* ros-hydro-visual-pose-estimation: 1.0.4-0 -> 1.0.9-0
* ros-hydro-xv-11-laser-driver: 0.1.2-2 -> 0.2.2-0
Removed Packages [0]:
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS
community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the
following maintainers:
* Austin Hendrix
* Chris Curbridge
* Dave Coleman
* Devon Ash
* Hamdi Sahloul
* Hiroyuki Mikita
* Ioan Sucan
* Jack O'Quin
* Kareem Shehata
* KazutoMurase
* Kei Okada
* Kevin Hallenbeck
* Marc Hanheide
* Mikael Arguedas
* MoveIt Setup Assistant
* Nick Hawes
* Noda Shintaro
* Paul Bovbel
* Ryohei Ueda
* Severin Lemaignan
* Shadow Robot's software team
* Shohei Fujii
* Séverin Lemaignan
* Takuya Nakaoka
* Tully Foote
* Vincent Rabaud
* Vladimir Ermakov
* Yohei Kakiuchi
* Youhei Kakiuchi
* Yuki Furuta
* Yusuke Furuta
* furuta
* k-okada
* marco
* rohan
Updates to groovy
Added Packages [6]:
* ros-groovy-collada-urdf-jsk-patch: 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-eus-assimp: 0.1.6-0
* ros-groovy-euscollada: 0.1.6-0
* ros-groovy-pr2eus: 0.1.6-3
* ros-groovy-roseus-msgs: 1.1.22-0
* ros-groovy-voice-text: 1.0.40-0
Updated Packages [40]:
* ros-groovy-assimp-devel: 1.0.31-0 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-bayesian-belief-networks: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-checkerboard-detector: 0.1.17-0 -> 0.1.21-1
* ros-groovy-depth-image-proc-jsk-patch: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-downward: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-dynamic-tf-publisher: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-ff: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-ffha: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-image-view-jsk-patch: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-image-view2: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-imagesift: 0.1.17-0 -> 0.1.21-1
* ros-groovy-jsk-common: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-jsk-footstep-msgs: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-jsk-gui-msgs: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-jsk-hark-msgs: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-jsk-interactive: 1.0.9-0 -> 1.0.11-0
* ros-groovy-jsk-interactive-marker: 1.0.9-0 -> 1.0.11-0
* ros-groovy-jsk-interactive-test: 1.0.9-0 -> 1.0.11-0
* ros-groovy-jsk-pcl-ros: 0.1.17-0 -> 0.1.21-1
* ros-groovy-jsk-perception: 0.1.17-0 -> 0.1.21-1
* ros-groovy-jsk-recognition: 0.1.17-0 -> 0.1.21-1
* ros-groovy-jsk-rqt-plugins: 1.0.9-0 -> 1.0.11-0
* ros-groovy-jsk-rviz-plugins: 1.0.9-0 -> 1.0.11-0
* ros-groovy-jsk-tools: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-jsk-topic-tools: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-libsiftfast: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-multi-map-server: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-nlopt: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-openni-tracker-jsk-patch: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-opt-camera: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-posedetection-msgs: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-pr2-groovy-patches: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-resized-image-transport: 0.1.17-0 -> 0.1.21-1
* ros-groovy-rospatlite: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-rosping: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-rostwitter: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-sklearn: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-speech-recognition-msgs: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-groovy-stereo-synchronizer: 1.0.37-1 -> 1.0.40-0
* ros-hydro-pr2-groovy-patches: 1.0.37-0 -> 1.0.41-0
Removed Packages [0]:
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS
community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the
following maintainers:
* Hiroyuki Mikita
* KazutoMurase
* Kei Okada
* Noda Shintaro
* Ryohei Ueda
* Shohei Fujii
* Takuya Nakaoka
* Yohei Kakiuchi
* Youhei Kakiuchi
* Yuki Furuta
* Yusuke Furuta
* furuta
* k-okada
ros-users mailing list