[ros-users] Run a simple navigation demo (static map+amcl) o…

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Skribent: Luc Fabresse
Til: ros-users
Emne: [ros-users] Run a simple navigation demo (static map+amcl) on an out-of-the-box Groovy-based PR2
Hi all,

I try to execute a standard navigation demo on PR2 using a map already
built with gmapping and amcl.

In short: if someone can point me to *working* launch files it would be

In details, What I do:

1) on the c1 machine of the PR2:

roslaunch pr2_fcfm nav.launch

------ nav.launch -----
<node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher"
<node name="map_server" pkg="map_server" type="map_server" args="$(find
<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_global)/amcl_node.xml" />
<include file="$(find pr2_navigation_global)/move_base.xml" />

2) Then, on a remote machine, I launch rviz like that:

roslaunch pr2_navigation_global rviz/rviz_move_base.launch

But my problems are:

A) the floor_scan in rviz display the /base_scan_throttled topic by default
and I cannot see the white dots. If I replace it by /base_scan, I then can
see the white dots but it sometimes rviz sporadically display a tf error
because /base_scan cannot be transformed to /map. So it does not fully
work... Any idea?

B) If I set a pose estimation and then a goal in Rviz, I can see the
computed displayed but the robot does not move. I tried to directly publish
a move command:

rostopic pub /navigation/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist ...

But the robot still does not move.
And yes, the default move_base launch file seems to remap /cmd_vel to

Any idea?

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