Re: [ros-users] clarifying package installation 'best practi…

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Author: Jamie Alessio
To: User discussions
Subject: Re: [ros-users] clarifying package installation 'best practices'?
> Our setup at present is mostly defined in a big templated debian-installer
> preseed file, but we're experimenting with Ansible, and I know others have
> created ROS configurations in puppet and vagrant.

I too was experimenting with Ansible and in the process I created a
bare-bones Ansible Role for installing ROS packages. At this point it
basically just installs your package of choice from The
Role is relatively simple, but I did put in place tests for ROS Indigo,
Hydro, and Groovy on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04. These Ansible Role tests are
run in Docker containers so that's a known-working configuration. It's also
easy to run this with Vagrant/Virtualbox.

This was my first time working with Ansible so feedback and pull requests
are welcome.

- Jamie
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