[ros-users] [robots] Erle Robotics brain and vehicles

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Author: Víctor Mayoral Vilches
To: ros-users
Subject: [ros-users] [robots] Erle Robotics brain and vehicles
Hi everyone,

I'd like to introduce Erle-Brain (
https://erlerobotics.com/blog/product/erle-brain/) Linux autopilot, a
ROS-powered embedded computer that allows to build different kind of drones
and robots.

Using Erle-Brain we've build several vehicles (Erle-Copter, Erle-Plane,
Erle-Rover, ...) displayed at http://wiki.ros.org/Robots and we keep
exploring new paths. The brain runs the APM software autopilot (in Linux)
which connects with ROS through the mavros bridge allowing to control the
robots simply publishing to ROS topics.

This ROS package <https://github.com/erlerobot/ros_erle_takeoff_land> (
https://github.com/erlerobot/ros_erle_takeoff_land) shows a simple example
on how to autonomously take off and land a VTOL powered by Erle-Brain.

We are really excited to see what people can do with our Brain and vehicles
so we've decided to launch a program that offers discounts for educational
and research purposes called dronEDU (dronedu.es).
Feel free to get in touch with us if you are interested.

Kind regards,

*Víctor Mayoral Vilches*
CTO & Co-Founder

*Erle Robotics*
erlerobotics.com |
+34 616151561
*skype*: v.mayoral
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