[ros-release] Kinetic Beta has begun

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Autore: Jackie Kay
To: The ROS release mailing list
Oggetto: [ros-release] Kinetic Beta has begun

A few days behind schedule, we have synced ros-kinetic-desktop-full for the
following platforms:

Ubuntu Xenial amd64
Ubuntu Xenial i386
Ubuntu Wily amd64
Ubuntu Wily i386

The following issues block the desktop-full release for other platforms:
Debian Jessie:
rqt_rviz is

ARM packages are still building and will finish tonight/over the weekend.

Note also that gazebo_ros_control is not available in the initial release
of desktop-full because control_toolbox is still not released.

Despite that, we are pushing to continue into beta for Kinetic. So keep
updating, testing, and releasing your packages.

The official release date is still May 23rd (World Turtle Day). However,
even if you maintain a leaf package, try to get your release in before that
in case something comes up.

A more general email will go out to ROS users shortly.

Have a great weekend,

Jackie and the ROS Team
ros-release mailing list
