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Author: ruffsl via ros-users
To: ros-users
CC: ruffsl
Subject: [ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Next Generation ROS] Official Docker Images for ROS2 Crystal and arm32v7

Since last posted, it looks like Amazon has announced AWS support form ARM [1].
Perhaps this could help improve ROS2's buildfarm support for multi arch builds?


As for a more concrete use case: robotic outreach projects such Duckietown could really come to benefit from arm32v7 support, helping to teach ROS2 to new and younger users using budget level hardware.

[1] https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2018/11/introducing-amazon-ec2-a1-instances
[2] https://www.duckietown.org

[Visit Topic](https://discourse.ros.org/t/official-docker-images-for-ros2-crystal-and-arm32v7/6872/3) or reply to this email to respond.

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