[ros-users] Collisions Outside the Bounding Box (planning_environment)

David Lu!! davidvlu at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 20:26:01 UTC 2010

> (1) This is difficult to debug without more information. One thing you
> could do is display the pose of the robot corresponding to the last
> collision in rviz. This tutorial -
> http://www.ros.org/wiki/motion_planning_environment/Tutorials/Tutorial%20B
> - helps you do that.
> I've been running off of
except with my own robot and no laser data, so I know exactly what pose the
collisions are happening in.

> (2) Also, using the rviz "select" button, you can click on the markers
> and they will give you more information on what is colliding.
> Good to know.

> (3) Are you moving the base of the robot around? We are working
> towards a release that handles motion of the robot base properly - the
> current collision environment is not yet fully tested for motion of
> the base.
> No. I'm only running GetStateValidity with one static pose.
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