[ros-users] vicon_mocap package

Patrick Bouffard bouffard at eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon Dec 13 21:48:54 UTC 2010

I see. Sorry, can't help you there. We use the recording feature in
Nexus (I guess that's our equivalent to 'motion capture studio' --
Vicon has a few different frontends to their equipment) very rarely.

Seems to me that you might be able to use a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
for what you're talking about though. You might want to ask on

Best of luck,

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:26 PM, David Lu!! <davidlu at wustl.edu> wrote:
> I think our use cases are a little different. Your code (I think) broadcasts
> the current transform reading in the motion capture studio. I want to be
> able to examine files saved in whatever format and watch them in Rviz.
> I've been looking at ASF/AMC files, and don't know as much about C3D, but I
> was thinking that a msg that contains a structured pointcloud (i.e. with a
> skeleton) would be common to all MoCap systems.
> -David!!
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Patrick Bouffard
> <bouffard at eecs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> I haven't had a chance to write any documentation yet. What do you
>> mean by data structures? msg files? I'm only using standard ones - a
>> TF frame is broadcast and also a geometry_msgs/TransformStamped
>> message is published.
>> I think somewhere in the depths of ros-pkg or maybe it was wg-ros-pkg,
>> I found something to do with PhaseSpace and I think it defined its own
>> messages for the marker locations and such.
>> Not sure when I'll get the chance to write up some docs but in the
>> meantime, I can try to answer questions if you have them. The node
>> should be pretty straightforward to use if your use case is similar to
>> mine--take a look at the test.launch file.
>> Cheers,
>> Pat
>> On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 12:35 PM, David Lu!! <davidlu at wustl.edu> wrote:
>> > Hey Pat,
>> > Is there any documentation for your node? I've just started looking at
>> > motion capture stuff and yours was the only related node I found. I'd be
>> > interested to see if there was some common data structures that can be
>> > used
>> > for other formats as well.
>> > -David!!
>> >

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