[ros-users] Obstacles(Grid Cell) does not show in rviz for naviation package

chris_li gang.li at okstate.edu
Thu Dec 16 22:59:53 UTC 2010


Thanks for your reply.

Below is the rostopic echo result:

  seq: 20
    secs: 1292539288
    nsecs: 111791294
  frame_id: odom
cell_width: 0.10000000149
cell_height: 0.10000000149
cells: []

I think I got empty messages for /local_costmap/obstacles. So it means
something is wrong with the navigation package getting data from laser,

I separately check my hokuyo laser by showing the laser scan in rviz, it
went okay. Then I turn to my launch file and yaml file which involve the
setting for reading laser data:

In my my_robot_configuration.launch:

	<node pkg="hokuyo_node" type="hokuyo_node" name="laser_scan_sensor"
output="screen" />

The node name is laser_scan_sensor.

This is in my costmap_common_params.yaml file:

observation_sources: laser_scan_sensor

laser_scan_sensor: {sensor_frame: laser, data_type: LaserScan, topic: scan,
marking: true, clearing: true}

I think only the above two parts involves reading laser data. The frame name
and topic name are correct.

Is there something wrong with my laser node name or something wrong in yaml

Please advise.


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