[ros-users] move_base/navigation unexpected behavior

Eitan Marder-Eppstein eitan at willowgarage.com
Mon Dec 20 23:32:10 UTC 2010


That is strange behavior. It sounds like the navigation stack is just
commanding your minimum velocity over and over. When you look at things in
rviz, do you see anything strange with obstacles or unknown space? Its
possible that something funky is happening there. For more information on
viewing navigation relevant visualization information, particularly unknown
space, check out:

Also, have you verified that your sensor data is making it into the
navigation stack correctly? For example, when a person walks in front of the
robot, do you see them show up in the obstacle display in rviz?

Hope all is well,


On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Antons Rebguns <anton at email.arizona.edu>wrote:

> Hello folks,
> I have a really strange problem with navigation stack. When I post a
> navigation goal to move_base, the robot plans the path just fine and even
> starts following it, but at some point it stops doing anything reasonable
> and just continues going forward at 0.05 m/sec. If try and post a new goal,
> again it it plans the path, but it doesn't change its behavior at all, just
> continues on slowly moving forward.
> rostopic echo /cmd_vel continuously outputs:
> ---
> linear:
>   x: 0.05
>   y: 0.0
>   z: 0.0
> angular:
>   x: 0.0
>   y: 0.0
>   z: 0.0
> If hook up a joystick I can control the base just fine, it moves forward,
> stops, turns left and right, it behaves as expected. Localization seems to
> work properly too, the particle cloud from AMCL looks reasonable.
> I am not even sure where to start troubleshooting this, nav stack always
> worked fine for me and I am using pretty much the same configuration as
> usual.
> Here are link to my launch files and config:
> main launch file:
> http://ua-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/arrg/wubble_navigation_apps/wubble_2dnav/wubble2_2dnav.launch
> amcl launch file:
> http://ua-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/arrg/wubble_navigation/wubble_navigation_global/wubble2_amcl_node.launch
> move_base launch file:
> http://ua-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/arrg/wubble_navigation/wubble_navigation_global/wubble2_move_base.launch
> costmap params are here:
> http://ua-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/arrg/wubble_navigation/wubble_navigation_config/move_base/
> move_base params are here:
> http://ua-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/arrg/wubble_navigation/wubble_navigation_global/config/
> all files prefixed with wubble2_.
> Thanks,
> Anton
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