[ros-users] ros debian

Miguel Prada Sarasola miguel.register at gmail.com
Wed May 26 19:18:01 UTC 2010

Hi Josh,

I didn't think that rosinstall compiled anything, but now that you
mention, it seems pretty obvious that it must compile some of the most
basic utilities (i.e. roscd, rosmake, etc). Am I wrong?

And in case those are compiled by rosinstall, which would be the best
way to compile them if you specify "--nobuild" option? I can see there's
an "--update" option for rosinstall, would this be the way?


El mié, 26-05-2010 a las 12:07 -0700, Josh Faust escribió:
> Hi Narasimhan,
> If you modify the rosinstall invokation to include "--nobuild", I
> believe it will just download the source from svn and not try to
> build.  You should then be able to copy the files to your usb key.  It
> won't affect anything outside the directory you specify on the command
> line (in the examples on that page, ~/ros).
> Josh
> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Narasimhan Rajagopal
> <narasimhan1990 at yahoo.co.in> wrote:
>         now i don't want to screw my already installed ros and i don't
>         want two diff versions in my pc. so here's what i'm gonna do. 
>         1. i follow Miguel Prada's advice and install using svn method
>         (http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Installation/Ubuntu/SVN  ) and
>         follow till step 1.2.
>         2. then i copy the directory of the source code to my usb
>         drive
>         3. i'll copy the files from usb to the college pc(running
>         debian)
>         4. i'll continue the steps after 1.2.
>         5. i delete the directory from my home pc.
>         so if i follow these steps my original ros will be intact
>         right? or should i run some commands to set it right.
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