[ros-users] Stereo image to Point cloud

Caroline Pantofaru pantofaru at willowgarage.com
Fri Oct 8 16:11:52 UTC 2010

Hi Debjyoti

I'm not quite sure that I understand your question, so here are two possible
1. If you want to associate points in the 3D cloud with real pixels in the
image, look at the points2 message (of type PointCloud2) that
stereo_image_proc publishes. The points in the points2 message are arranged
in an array that corresponds to the original image array, so points[x][y]
corresponds to image[x][y].
2. If you want to project a new point in space onto the image, look at the
image_geometry package (http://www.ros.org/wiki/image_geometry).

Hope that helps

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 2:34 AM, Bera, D. <d.bera at tue.nl> wrote:

> Dear all,
> At this moment, we are working with a standard Videre stereo camera and
> make use of standard nodes available from ROS repositories to publish a
> dense point cloud (stereo_image_proc: node).  It would be of great help if
> we could have some suggestions on how to correlate a point on a 2D stereo
> images to a 3D point in a point cloud? Do we need to make a new node to
> perform this operation? What would be its feasibility, accuracy?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Debjyoti Bera.
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