[ros-users] Playback of bag files recorded with the split option

Markus Achtelik markus.achtelik at mavt.ethz.ch
Mon Sep 13 20:04:01 UTC 2010

Upgrading to 1.2.1 and reindexing the bagfiles worked, thanks a lot!

Best, Markus 

On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 11:20 -0700, Tim Field wrote:
> Yes - the stable distribution should read the bag fine.  If not,
> please ticket me.
> Tim
> On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Markus Achtelik
> <markus.achtelik at mavt.ethz.ch> wrote:
>         Hi Tim,
>         it was a bit ago when we recorded that data. Is there any
>         way/chance to
>         recover it? Moving to the stable release will definitely be
>         one of the
>         next actions.
>         Thanks for your help!
>         Markus
>         On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 10:18 -0700, Tim Field wrote:
>         > Marcus,
>         >
>         >
>         > The 1.1.x versions of ROS are unstable development
>         releases.  This is
>         > true of all stack releases with odd minor versions.
>         >
>         >
>         > The bug fix for this rosbag issue was released in 1.1.15.
>         >
>         >
>         > I recommend you use a stable distribution of ROS.
>         >
>         >
>         > Tim
>         >
>         > On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Markus Achtelik
>         > <markus.achtelik at mavt.ethz.ch> wrote:
>         >         Hi Tim,
>         >
>         >         it's version 1.1.12
>         >
>         >         Thanks, Markus
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         >         On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 08:21 -0700, Tim Field wrote:
>         >         > Hi Markus,
>         >         >
>         >         >
>         >         > Which version of ROS are you using?  You can run
>         "rosversion
>         >         ros" to
>         >         > check.
>         >         >
>         >         >
>         >         > Tim
>         >         >
>         >         >
>         >         > On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 6:35 AM, Markus Achtelik
>         >         > <markus.achtelik at mavt.ethz.ch> wrote:
>         >         >         Hi all,
>         >         >
>         >         >         I recorded some data with rosbag record
>         and the
>         >         split option.
>         >         >         Playing
>         >         >         back or rosbag info works perfectly for
>         the first
>         >         file that
>         >         >         was
>         >         >         recorded. The remaining files give me the
>         error:
>         >         >
>         >         >         ERROR bag unindexed: secondfile.bag.  Run
>         rosbag
>         >         reindex.
>         >         >
>         >         >         After reindexing these files, rosbag info
>         just gives
>         >         me
>         >         >         something like
>         >         >         this, instead of listing the topics etc:
>         >         >
>         >         >         path:    secondfile.bag
>         >         >         version: 2.0
>         >         >         size:    200.1 MB
>         >         >
>         >         >         How can I play back these files? From what
>         I can
>         >         tell from the
>         >         >         size of
>         >         >         the first bagfile (mostly images) and
>         number of
>         >         messages,
>         >         >         information
>         >         >         from rosbag info firstfile.bag just
>         corresponds to
>         >         this
>         >         >         firstfile.bag.
>         >         >
>         >         >         I guess I just didn't get something really
>         >         simple ...
>         >         >
>         >         >
>         >         >         Thanks for the help!
>         >         >
>         >         >         Best, Markus
>         >         >
>         >         >         PS: firstfile.bag and secondfile.bag are
>         just
>         >         examples, I kept
>         >         >         the
>         >         >         original filenames given by rosbag record
>         >         >
>         >         >
>         >         >
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