[ros-users] Moving NXT's motor

Rafael Aroca rafaelaroca at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 20:28:44 UTC 2011

Hi, I've been playing with ROS+Lego NXT and after successfully playing
with the sensors I got stuck trying to move one motor.

The only parameter I found on nxt_msgs related to that is
JointCommand, but JointCommand only has "effort".

So I tried:
rostopic pub /joint_command nxt_msgs/JointCommand '{name: 'motor', effort: 10}'

And confirmed that this value changed with:
rostopic echo joint_command
name: motor
effort: 10.0

But no movement. I also tried the nxt_teleop demo, but no matter the
arrow key I press, none of the motor move.

Any ideas?


[]s Rafael.
Linux User #56352

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