[ros-users] SICK LMS 200 not initializing with sicktoolbox

S.Al-Milli at surrey.ac.uk S.Al-Milli at surrey.ac.uk
Thu Feb 10 18:52:23 UTC 2011


I have a SICK LMS 200 laser scanner and I have connected to my laptop via a USB to serial port arapter and I have been trying to follow the tutorial for the sicktoolbox_wrapper (http://www.ros.org/wiki/sicktoolbox_wrapper/Tutorials/UsingTheSicklms) and when I type in the command in terminal:

$ rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper sicklms

I get the following output:

*** Attempting to initialize the Sick LMS...
        Attempting to open device @ /dev/ttyUSB0

and the SICK LMS 200 fires up with orange and red lights for around 25 seconds and then the light changes to green. But that is all what happens and the above output is the only output I see in the terminal. I am not even able to terminate the node with Control+C but have to use Control+Z and then kill the process. I have followed the tutorial to the letter and have not missed anything. I have confirmed that the laser actually works with this setup through the Aria software where I was able to see data streaming from the laser in the terminal window. The ironic thing is that my colleague who has the exact same setup and versions of Ubuntu (10.10) and ROS (cturtle) on a Mac book was able to start streaming data from the laser through the sicktoolbox_wrapper with no problems whereas I have a brand new Dell Latitude E6510 laptop. Can you please help me identify where the problem is?

Kind regards,


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