[ros-users] ROS Diamondback Release Candidate 1

Yohei Kakiuchi youhei at jsk.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Thu Feb 17 13:25:31 UTC 2011

Hi Ken,

Now, we are using some packages in
https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/branches/trunk_cturtle and

How are packages in trunc_cturtle managed after releasing diamondback?
If we continue to use packages in trunk_cturtle with diamondback, what
should I do?

Yohei Kakiuchi

2011/2/13 Ken Conley <kwc at willowgarage.com>:
> Thanks to all of your help, we're getting close to the official
> release of Diamondback.  Eigen 2/3 rollout is complete and we have
> received many patches to improve compatibility on various platforms.
> How you can help:
>  1) We want to make it easier for new users to figure out what the
> common ROS tools are.  We've put up a new "Tools" [1] page as a start,
> but feedback and contributions are welcome.  We would also appreciate
> feedback on our "APIs" [2] page.  In other words, "What do you wish
> the wiki helped you find out about better, and how?"
>  2) We are creating new robot 'portals' to help users of particular
> robot platforms.  We would appreciate feedback on the current pages as
> well as your own contributed portals.  Examples: [3], [4], [5]
>  3) Patches, bug reports, etc...
> More here:
> http://www.ros.org/news/2011/02/ros-diamondback-release-candidate-1.html
> thanks,
>  -- your friendly neighborhood release candidate
> [1]: http://www.ros.org/wiki/Tools
> [2]: http://www.ros.org/wiki/APIs
> [3]: http://www.ros.org/wiki/Robots/Care-O-bot
> [4]: http://www.ros.org/wiki/Robots/NXT
> [5]: http://www.ros.org/wiki/Robots/PR2
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