[ros-users] rosinstall: is setup.sh deprecated?

Ryohei Ueda ueda at jsk.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Wed Jan 12 05:11:26 UTC 2011

now im using rosinstall to setup my ros environment, and
i found my setup.sh, generated by rosinstall, does not have
"source rosbash".

but i found setup.bash and setup.zsh at ${ROS_ROOT}/../

is it right to add "source setup.bash" instead of setup.sh in my bashrc?

the wiki page (http://www.ros.org/wiki/cturtle/Installation/Ubuntu/SVN#cturtle.2BAC8-Installation.2BAC8-rosinstall.Environment_Setup)
says to add source setup.sh in my .bashrc.

the version of rosinstall im using is 0.5.10:
$ rosinstall --version
rosinstall 0.5.10


-- ryohei

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