[ros-users] hudson prerelease error

Ugo Cupcic ugo at shadowrobot.com
Thu Mar 31 13:14:00 UTC 2011

Ok, I updated my _rules and it now compiles happily in the prerelease.

Concerning the release process, I have a new patch to propose (attached) for

I added the uri parameter to the bzr rules: I needed the base url, to be
able to push to base_url + release_tag.

I tested the tag_bzr part of the create.py script and it worked for me.



On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Ugo Cupcic <ugo at shadowrobot.com> wrote:

> Ok, thanks a lot for adding the bzr support so quickly!
> My stack is not at the root in the trunk, but is in the stable branch, from
> which I was planning to do the releases anyway.
> Cheers,
> Ugo
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 2:48 AM, Tully Foote <tfoote at willowgarage.com>wrote:
>> Ugo,
>> I think that we have worked out everything at our end now.  This latest
>> test build
>> http://build.willowgarage.com/view/pre-release/job/prerelease_diamondback_shadow_robot_maverick_i386/13/consolefailed because you didn't have a stack.xml at the root of your tree.  This
>> is a requirement because distributed VCSs like bzr only allow branching at
>> the root. Consequently we require stacks to be at the root to allow the
>> release toolchain to automatically operate.
>> Tully
>> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Wim Meeussen <meeussen at willowgarage.com>wrote:
>>> Ugo,
>>> > The command to branch is just:
>>> >  >  bzr branch lp:sr-ros-interface/stable
>>> I changed your rosdistro entry uri to: uri: 'lp:sr-ros-interface'.
>>> This solves part of the problem, but now we hit a bug in the
>>> rosinstall script. Tully will be pushing out a fix.
>>> Wim
>>> --
>>> --
>>> Wim Meeussen
>>> Willow Garage Inc.
>>> <http://www.willowgarage.com)
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>> --
>> Tully Foote
>> Systems Engineer
>> Willow Garage, Inc.
>> tfoote at willowgarage.com
>> (650) 475-2827
> --
> Ugo Cupcic | Shadow Robot Company | ugo at shadowrobot.com
> Software Engineer | 251 Liverpool Road |
> need a Hand? | London N1 1LX | +44 20 7700 2487
> http://www.shadowrobot.com/hand/ @shadowrobot

Ugo Cupcic | Shadow Robot Company | ugo at shadowrobot.com
Software Engineer | 251 Liverpool Road |
need a Hand? | London N1 1LX | +44 20 7700 2487
http://www.shadowrobot.com/hand/ @shadowrobot
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