[ros-users] rosjava on android not working

Markus Krenn Markus.Krenn at ima-mst.at
Fri Jan 13 08:24:01 UTC 2012

Hello ROS community!

The problem is already posted here: http://answers.ros.org/question/3544/using-java-actionlib-on-android-doesnt-work
A short summary: I'm trying to establish a ROS connection between an Android device and an Ubuntu in a virtual machine. Each device is in the same network. "rosnode list" on Ubuntu will find the Android node, but for some reason that node can't communicate with the rosnodes running on Ubuntu (where roscore is running, too).

Did I forget something? Is the combination "rosjava on android and roscore on a virtual Ubuntu machine" possible at all? Has anybody tried that before?
Is there a working up-to-date tutorial for android rosjava? The ones I have found so far (rosjava.android has some tutorials and there's a Fibonacci actionlib tutorial somewhere) I always had to adapt to make them runnable (there seems to be a change in specifying the node name, which hasn't been updated in those tutorials. They are compilable but won't actually run).

I hope someone out there can help me.

greets, markus
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