[ros-users] Review for openni_kinect stack

Patrick Mihelich mihelich at willowgarage.com
Sun Jan 15 22:06:43 UTC 2012

openni_kinect <http://www.ros.org/wiki/openni_kinect>, the stack containing
drivers and basic processing for the Kinect and other OpenNI devices, is
now posted for review:


In Fuerte, I want to reach 1.0 status for the OpenNI ROS packages. These
have been in development and heavy use for over a year, and should be
pretty stable at this point.

The major packages - openni_camera, openni_launch, depth_image_proc,
openni_tracker - have their own review pages, linked from the stack review.
Please add specific comments (with your name) to the relevant review page.
You can start more open-ended discussion or feedback in this email thread,
and I'll post any conclusions on the wiki.

examples of what to look for.

Deadline for responses: Jan 25.

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