[ros-users] possible bug: pr2_arm_kinematics wrong md5 after upgrade, strange folders and compile errors on pr2 core packages

Lorenzo Riano lorenzo.riano at berkeley.edu
Thu Jul 19 02:09:29 UTC 2012


I've been using
some time and they are quite robust to changes in msgs and APIs.
However today, after an upgrade on fuerte, the md5 of
kinematics_msgs/GetPositionIK changed. Although I recompiled my code (it's
all python, don't really know if it matters doing rosmake), the problem
persisted. I've tried several make clean - make iterations on several
packages. Here is the error that pr2_arm_kinematics reported:

client wants service /pr2_right_arm_kinematics/get_ik to have md5sum
877eea62385e0e095b5756ea4386623d, but it has
6d82fcb918d48c6d8a708bc55e34ace2. Dropping connection.

However if I do *rossrv md5 kinematics_msgs/GetPositionIK* I get
877eea62385e0e095b5756ea4386623d, so I though the client was right and the
service provider pr2_arm_kinematics had the wrong md5. Since this is
obtained using apt-get I assumed that it was correctly compiled and
linked.I tried to manually compile it, but I got the error:

In file included from

error: ‘arm_navigation_msgs’ has not been declared

error: ‘robot_state’ was not declared in this scope

error: expected primary-expression before ‘const’

error: expression list treated as compound expression in initializer

In member function ‘void
urdf::Joint>, kinematics_msgs::KinematicSolverInfo&)’:

error: ‘arm_navigation_msgs’ has not been declared

error: expected ‘;’ before ‘limit’

error: ‘limit’ was not declared in this scope
  make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/pr2_arm_kinematics_lib.dir/src/pr2_arm_ik.o]
Error 1

so something really strange is going on.

The kinematics_msgs folder only has the content:

cmake  manifest.xml  msg  srv

And the generated messages are somewhere else, namely
/opt/ros/fuerte/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/kinematics_msgs/srv. There if
open _GetPositionIK.py I get:

_md5sum = "bf9ee33930d9eaff390b8af4a213ba62"

BUMP! What is the right md5? What am I doing wrong?


Lorenzo Riano, PhD
Research Scientist
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA

email: lorenzo.riano at berkeley.edu
skype: lorenzo.riano
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