[ros-users] Lots of new Hydro Packages

Tully Foote tfoote at osrfoundation.org
Tue Jul 2 01:34:22 UTC 2013

We have released many new packages into Hydro as we approach the Beta
release.  There are a few outstanding packages with unresolved
dependencies.  For a specific list of released packages please see below.
The total number of Hydro packages available now stands at 408 on Precise.

Thank you to everyone who has worked hard to get these packages out to make
the beta release.  There have been over 20 people actively contributing
releases in the last week.  You can see an overview here:


Packages Added:
ros-hydro-control-toolbox : 1.10.1
ros-hydro-controller-interface : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-controller-manager : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-controller-manager-tests : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-controllers-msgs : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-ecl : 0.60.0
ros-hydro-ecl-command-line : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-concepts : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-containers : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-converters : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-core : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-core-apps : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-devices : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-eigen : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-exceptions : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-formatters : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-geometry : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-ipc : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-linear-algebra : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-manipulation : 0.60.0
ros-hydro-ecl-manipulators : 0.60.0
ros-hydro-ecl-math : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-mobile-robot : 0.60.0
ros-hydro-ecl-mpl : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-navigation : 0.60.0
ros-hydro-ecl-sigslots : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-statistics : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-streams : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-threads : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-time : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-type-traits : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-ecl-utilities : 0.60.3
ros-hydro-effort-controllers : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-forward-command-controller : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-freenect-launch : 0.2.2
ros-hydro-freenect-stack : 0.2.2
ros-hydro-geometry-experimental : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-geometry-tutorials : 0.2.0
ros-hydro-gmapping : 1.3.0
ros-hydro-interactive-marker-tutorials : 0.8.0
ros-hydro-joint-state-controller : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-laser-assembler : 1.7.1
ros-hydro-laser-pipeline : 1.6.1
ros-hydro-learning-actionlib : 0.1.4
ros-hydro-librviz-tutorial : 0.8.0
ros-hydro-openni-camera : 1.9.0
ros-hydro-openni-launch : 1.9.0
ros-hydro-openslam-gmapping : 0.1.0
ros-hydro-pluginlib-tutorials : 0.1.4
ros-hydro-position-controllers : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-pr2-controller-interface : 1.8.1
ros-hydro-pr2-controller-manager : 1.8.1
ros-hydro-pr2-hardware-interface : 1.8.1
ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism : 1.8.1
ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-diagnostics : 1.8.1
ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-model : 1.8.1
ros-hydro-prosilica-camera : 1.9.1
ros-hydro-prosilica-gige-sdk : 1.26.2
ros-hydro-ros-control : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-ros-controllers : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-ros-full : 1.0.0
ros-hydro-rqt-top : 0.2.17
ros-hydro-rviz-plugin-tutorials : 0.8.0
ros-hydro-rviz-python-tutorial : 0.8.0
ros-hydro-segbot : 0.1.0
ros-hydro-segbot-apps : 0.1.0
ros-hydro-segbot-bringup : 0.1.0
ros-hydro-segbot-description : 0.1.0
ros-hydro-segbot-navigation : 0.1.0
ros-hydro-segbot-sensors : 0.1.0
ros-hydro-slam-gmapping : 1.3.0
ros-hydro-stage : 4.1.1
ros-hydro-stage-ros : 1.7.0
ros-hydro-test-tf2 : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-tf2 : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-tf2-bullet : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-tf2-geometry-msgs : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-tf2-kdl : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-tf2-msgs : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-tf2-py : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-tf2-ros : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-tf2-tools : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-turtle-tf : 0.2.0
ros-hydro-underwater-sensor-msgs : 1.2.0
ros-hydro-underwater-vehicle-dynamics : 1.2.0
ros-hydro-uwsim : 1.2.0
ros-hydro-uwsim-bullet : 2.79.0
ros-hydro-uwsim-osgbullet : 2.0.2
ros-hydro-uwsim-osgocean : 1.0.2
ros-hydro-uwsim-osgworks : 2.0.2
ros-hydro-velocity-controllers : 0.4.0
ros-hydro-visualization-marker-tutorials : 0.8.0
ros-hydro-visualization-tutorials : 0.8.0
ros-hydro-xdot : 1.10.0
ros-hydro-yujin-maps : 0.1.0

Packages Removed:

Packages Updated:
ros-hydro-filters : 1.7.1 -> 1.7.3
ros-hydro-laser-filters : 1.6.8 -> 1.6.10
ros-hydro-laser-geometry : 1.5.8 -> 1.5.11
ros-hydro-rviz : 1.9.30 -> 1.10.0
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