[ros-users] tf2 doc and tutorials broken or misleading

Brice Rebsamen brice.rebsamen at gmail.com
Wed Sep 25 19:07:14 UTC 2013


I'm migrating to tf2. I find that there seems to be many issues with the 

For instance the code on the tutorial page on how to write a broadcaster 
is pointing to an invalid cturtle svn adress: 

Also, the tutorial on migrating the tf broadcaster to tf2 was 
instructing to use tf2::transform_broadcaster which does not exist, one 
must use tf2_ros::transform_broadcaster instead. 
http://wiki.ros.org/tf2/Tutorials/Migration/TransformBroadcaster (I 
fixed it already).

Similarly, here 
http://wiki.ros.org/tf2/Tutorials/Adding%20a%20frame%20%28C%2B%2B%29, in 
section 4.1, the code uses tf2 namespace instead of tf2_ros. Worst: the 
broadcaster is sending tf2::StampedTransform, where as the sendTransform 
function accepts geometry_msgs::TransformStamped instead.

All in all, it makes the migration difficult.

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