[ros-users] ROS package for Basler cameras

G.A. vd. Hoorn - 3ME g.a.vanderhoorn at tudelft.nl
Mon Sep 14 10:08:07 UTC 2015

On 14/09/15 12:02, Beatriz Leon Pinzon via ros-users wrote:
> Hello everyone,

Hi Beatriz,

> We have created a ROS package to be able to publish images using a
> Basler camera. We have a Basler Dart camera but the package should work
> with any of their cameras as all use the same API.
> Here is the github address:
> https://github.com/shadow-robot/basler_camera
> Their cameras are not yet uvc compatible so this package would be
> helpful in the meantime.

Am I correct that this would be specifically for the USB cameras of Basler?

For ethernet cameras I've understood 'camera_aravis' [1] should be 


[1] http://wiki.ros.org/camera_aravis

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