[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Next Generation ROS] Cannot run executable and lib using ros2 run after building using ament

Dirk Thomas ros.discourse at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 16:28:36 UTC 2017

[quote="arunava_nag, post:3, topic:2640"]
Is it going to be like ros2 ropic pub /test_topic std_msgs/msgs/String "hello there"??

Please see `ros2 topic pub --help` for an example.

[quote="arunava_nag, post:4, topic:2640"]
Also, I realized when I run my executable like ros2 run testpackage test_node  and then do ros2 node list. It shows me the right name. However, when I exit my program (Ctrl+C) I still happen to find my ros2 node if I do a ros2 node list.

For me it works for the `demo_nodes_cpp` / `demo_nodes_py` `talker` and `listener` using FastRTPS on Ubuntu using Beta 3. Maybe you can provide more information what environment / version / nodes you are experiencing it with.

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