[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Maritime Robotics] Common message structures for UUVs?

Ian Vaughn ros.discourse at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 18:00:14 UTC 2018

The discussion seems to be centered around a discussion thread: https://discourse.ros.org/t/proposed-standard-interface-for-aerial-vehicles-in-ros/287

Many common UAV messages are already available in the std_msgs package, so it looks like effort has focused on developing REPs (105, then 147) to codify best-practices.

This discussion is showing that ROS is less mature for underwater vehicles-- which makes sense, that thread is older than the marine robotics SIG!  Presumably some combination of REPs and AUV-specific message standardization is required.  Some code development for rviz plugins and/or common drivers would really help drive adoption.

I'm just concerned that if ROS adopts a few messages without broader community involvement we'll continue a lot of very isolated development.  We just wrote yet another RDI DVL parser because none of the existing messages-- including the one proposed-- meets our needs.  We're at least the second group well-suited to being long-term maintainers of such a package to do that in the last 18 months.  

Maybe we should try to identify a venue for an underwater robotics ROS workshop?  A lot of the new stakeholders are new to open-source software, not just ROS.  Many of them don't even comment on the mailing list.

[Visit Topic](https://discourse.ros.org/t/common-message-structures-for-uuvs/3737/10) or reply to this email to respond.

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