[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [ROS Projects] ROS package that publishes the MPU-9255 data into a Topic used in Raspberry PI 3

Mauricio Leiton ros.discourse at gmail.com
Sun Jul 29 01:35:49 UTC 2018

I've been working with a raspberry pi 3 and with an IMU MPU-9255. It works with ROS kinetic. 
The package allows to publish the data of the IMU, uses complementary filter to reduce noise and allows to store the data in a .bag file.
Now I am working to integrate the offset data of the sensor before publishing on the topic and then get the orientation angles.

ROS MPU9255 Node
C++ ROS node wrapper for the mpu9255 gyroscope / accelerometer/magnetometer. 
Reads and  publish accelerometer, gyroscopic and magnetic data.

More information and suggestions:  [https://github.com/mdleiton/MPU9255](https://github.com/mdleiton/MPU9255)

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