[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [ROS-Industrial] Using the Motoman SDA20D Dual-arms DX100 ROS Interface(Indigo)

gavanderhoorn ros.discourse at gmail.com
Fri May 4 09:51:21 UTC 2018

@Sinai_Aranda: perhaps you can use [Danfoa/invite-robotics](https://github.com/Danfoa/invite-robotics) as inspiration. It is for an SDA10, but that should be almost a search->replace action at this level.

The `invite_motoman_support` pkg shows you how to configure the `controller_joint_names` and the other required parameters.

Note that the pkgs in `Danfoa/invite-robotics` contain a lot of other things (for integration of a gripper fi) that you can ignore. Also note that they are essentially a customised version of the pkgs in `ros-industrial/motoman` and `ros-industrial/motoman_experimental`.

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