Re: [ros-users] icra_navigation_gazebo -> test -> playing ba…

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Author: User discussions
To: User discussions
Subject: Re: [ros-users] icra_navigation_gazebo -> test -> playing back bag files

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do. If you want to run the
simulation, then just run the simulation in gazebo. If you want to play back
the results of the simulation, to look at visualization topics and debugging
information, then you can play back the bag file produced by running the
simulation. What exactly is your use case? That might help me understand
things a bit better.

Hope all is well,


On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Juracy Emanuel <>wrote:

> Eitan ,
> Thank you for the link about rosbag.
> I would like in fact to know if it is possible to use the bag files
> (for example, the bag file bellow) to reproduce the simulation
> presented using Gazebo.
> Juracy
> emanuel@emanuel-laptop:~$ cd ~/.ros/test_results/ros_epic_fail_raw_bags
> emanuel@emanuel-laptop:~/.ros/test_results/ros_epic_fail_raw_bags$
> rosbag info
> icra_navigation_gazebo.rostest__worlds_blind_corner_blind_corner.bag
> path:
>  icra_navigation_gazebo.rostest__worlds_blind_corner_blind_corner.bag
> version:     2.0
> duration:    1:01s (61s)
> start:       Dec 31 1969 21:00:00.29 (0.29)
> end:         Dec 31 1969 21:01:02.18 (62.18)
> size:        4.1 GB
> messages:    167846
> compression: none [754/754 chunks]
> types:       actionlib_msgs/GoalStatusArray
> [8b2b82f13216d0a8ea88bd3af735e619]
>             costmap_2d/VoxelGrid
> [48a040827e1322073d78ece5a497029c]
>             diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray
> [3cfbeff055e708a24c3d946a5c8139cd]
>             dynamic_reconfigure/Config
> [be5ce5fa8101a5199199ac5a9b231457]
>             dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription
> [5f0f929417f58ac7f30dfdd9e4d40ef2]
>             geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped
> [c6be8f7dc3bee7fe9e8d296070f53340]
>             geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
> [d3812c3cbc69362b77dc0b19b345f8f5]
>             geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped
> [953b798c0f514ff060a53a3498ce6246]
>             geometry_msgs/Twist
> [9f195f881246fdfa2798d1d3eebca84a]
>             move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionFeedback
> [7d1870ff6e0decea702b943b5af0b42e]
>             move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionGoal
> [660d6895a1b9a16dce51fbdd9a64a56b]
>             move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionResult
> [1eb06eeff08fa7ea874431638cb52332]
>             nav_msgs/GridCells
> [b9e4f5df6d28e272ebde00a3994830f5]
>             nav_msgs/Odometry
> [cd5e73d190d741a2f92e81eda573aca7]
>             nav_msgs/Path
> [6227e2b7e9cce15051f669a5e197bbf7]
>             pr2_controllers_msgs/JointTrajectoryControllerState
> [b11d532a92ee589417fdd76559eb1d9e]
>             pr2_mechanism_controllers/BaseControllerState
> [7a488aa492f9175d5fa35e22e56c4b28]
>             pr2_mechanism_controllers/BaseOdometryState
> [8a483e137ebc37abafa4c26549091dd6]
>             pr2_mechanism_controllers/Odometer
> [1f1d53743f4592ee455aa3eaf9019457]
>             pr2_mechanism_msgs/MechanismStatistics
> [b4a99069393681672c01f8c823458e04]
>             pr2_msgs/LaserScannerSignal
> [78f41e618127bce049dd6104d9c31dc5]
>             pr2_msgs/PowerState
> [e6fa46a387cad0b7a80959a21587a6c9]
>             roslib/Clock
> [a9c97c1d230cfc112e270351a944ee47]
>             roslib/Log
> [acffd30cd6b6de30f120938c17c593fb]
>             sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
> [1b5cf7f984c229b6141ceb3a955aa18f]
>             sensor_msgs/Imu
> [6a62c6daae103f4ff57a132d6f95cec2]
>             sensor_msgs/JointState
> [3066dcd76a6cfaef579bd0f34173e9fd]
>             sensor_msgs/LaserScan
> [90c7ef2dc6895d81024acba2ac42f369]
>             std_msgs/Bool
> [8b94c1b53db61fb6aed406028ad6332a]
>             tf/tfMessage
> [94810edda583a504dfda3829e70d7eec]
> topics:      /base_controller/command
>    575 msgs @  10.0 Hz : geometry_msgs/Twist
>             /base_controller/state
>     15 msgs @   0.2 Hz :
> pr2_mechanism_controllers/BaseControllerState
>             /base_odometry/odom
>   5423 msgs @  90.9 Hz : nav_msgs/Odometry
>             /base_odometry/odometer
>     59 msgs @   1.0 Hz : pr2_mechanism_controllers/Odometer
>             /base_odometry/state
>     59 msgs @   1.0 Hz : pr2_mechanism_controllers/BaseOdometryState
>             /base_pose_ground_truth
>   6154 msgs @ 100.0 Hz : nav_msgs/Odometry
>             /base_scan
>   1230 msgs @  20.0 Hz : sensor_msgs/LaserScan
>             /base_scan_throttled
>     60 msgs @   1.0 Hz : sensor_msgs/LaserScan
>             /calibrated
>      1 msg             : std_msgs/Bool
>             /clock
>  107988 msgs            : roslib/Clock
>             /diagnostics
>     62 msgs @   1.0 Hz : diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray
>             /diagnostics_agg
>     62 msgs @   1.0 Hz : diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray
>             /head_traj_controller/point_head_action/status
>    309 msgs @   5.0 Hz : actionlib_msgs/GoalStatusArray
>             /head_traj_controller/state
>   5967 msgs @ 100.0 Hz :
> pr2_controllers_msgs/JointTrajectoryControllerState
>             /joint_states
>   6038 msgs @  90.9 Hz : sensor_msgs/JointState
>             /l_gripper_controller/gripper_action/status
>    309 msgs @   5.0 Hz : actionlib_msgs/GoalStatusArray
>             /laser_tilt_controller/laser_scanner_signal
>     55 msgs @   1.9 Hz : pr2_msgs/LaserScannerSignal
>             /mechanism_statistics
>     61 msgs @   1.0 Hz : pr2_mechanism_msgs/MechanismStatistics
>             /move_base_local/feedback
>    583 msgs @  10.0 Hz : move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionFeedback
>             /move_base_local/goal
>      1 msg             : move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionGoal
>             /move_base_local/result
>      1 msg             : move_base_msgs/MoveBaseActionResult
>             /move_base_local/status
>    295 msgs @   5.0 Hz : actionlib_msgs/GoalStatusArray
>             /move_base_local_node/NavfnROS/plan
>     92 msgs @   9.5 Hz : nav_msgs/Path
>             /move_base_local_node/TrajectoryPlannerROS/global_plan
>    576 msgs @  10.0 Hz : nav_msgs/Path
>             /move_base_local_node/TrajectoryPlannerROS/local_plan
>    438 msgs @  10.0 Hz : nav_msgs/Path
>             /move_base_local_node/current_goal
>      1 msg             : geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
>             /move_base_local_node/global_costmap/inflated_obstacles
>     59 msgs @   1.0 Hz : nav_msgs/GridCells
>             /move_base_local_node/global_costmap/obstacles
>     59 msgs @   1.0 Hz : nav_msgs/GridCells
>             /move_base_local_node/global_costmap/robot_footprint
>    295 msgs @   5.0 Hz : geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped
>             /move_base_local_node/global_costmap/unknown_space
>     59 msgs @   1.0 Hz : nav_msgs/GridCells
>             /move_base_local_node/global_costmap/voxel_grid
>    295 msgs @   5.0 Hz : costmap_2d/VoxelGrid
>             /move_base_local_node/local_costmap/inflated_obstacles
>    117 msgs @   2.0 Hz : nav_msgs/GridCells
>             /move_base_local_node/local_costmap/obstacles
>    117 msgs @   2.0 Hz : nav_msgs/GridCells
>             /move_base_local_node/local_costmap/robot_footprint
>    293 msgs @   5.0 Hz : geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped
>             /move_base_local_node/local_costmap/unknown_space
>    117 msgs @   2.0 Hz : nav_msgs/GridCells
>             /move_base_local_node/local_costmap/voxel_grid
>    293 msgs @   5.0 Hz : costmap_2d/VoxelGrid
>             /move_base_local_node/local_costmap/voxel_grid_throttled
>    146 msgs @   2.5 Hz : costmap_2d/VoxelGrid
>             /narrow_stereo/left/camera_info
>   1539 msgs @  25.0 Hz : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
>             /narrow_stereo/narrow_stereo_proc/parameter_descriptions
>      1 msg             : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription
>             /narrow_stereo/narrow_stereo_proc/parameter_updates
>      1 msg             : dynamic_reconfigure/Config
>             /narrow_stereo/right/camera_info
>   1539 msgs @  25.0 Hz : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
>             /power_state
>     61 msgs @   1.0 Hz : pr2_msgs/PowerState
>             /prosilica/camera_info
>   1231 msgs @  20.0 Hz : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
>             /r_gripper_controller/gripper_action/status
>    309 msgs @   5.0 Hz : actionlib_msgs/GoalStatusArray
>             /robot_pose_ekf/odom_combined
>   1788 msgs @  27.0 Hz : geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped
>             /rosout
>    118 msgs            : roslib/Log
>       (13 connections)
>             /rosout_agg
>     98 msgs            : roslib/Log
>             /tf
>   4866 msgs @  62.5 Hz : tf/tfMessage
>       (2 connections)
>             /tilt_scan
>   2462 msgs @  40.0 Hz : sensor_msgs/LaserScan
>             /tilt_scan_throttled
>     60 msgs @   1.0 Hz : sensor_msgs/LaserScan
>             /torso_controller/position_joint_action/status
>    308 msgs @   5.0 Hz : actionlib_msgs/GoalStatusArray
>             /torso_controller/state
>   5967 msgs @ 100.0 Hz :
> pr2_controllers_msgs/JointTrajectoryControllerState
>             /torso_lift_imu/data
>   6154 msgs @ 100.0 Hz : sensor_msgs/Imu
>             /wide_stereo/left/camera_info
>   1539 msgs @  25.0 Hz : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
>             /wide_stereo/right/camera_info
>   1539 msgs @  25.0 Hz : sensor_msgs/CameraInfo
>             /wide_stereo/wide_stereo_proc/parameter_descriptions
>      1 msg             : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription
>             /wide_stereo/wide_stereo_proc/parameter_updates
>      1 msg             : dynamic_reconfigure/Config

> emanuel@emanuel-laptop:~/.ros/test_results/ros_epic_fail_raw_bags$
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