[ros-release] [ros-users] New Packages in ROS Hydro

Patrick Goebel patrick at pirobot.org
Wed Mar 12 00:03:59 UTC 2014

Thanks Tully--I can certainly wait for the sync.


On 03/11/2014 02:02 PM, Tully Foote wrote:
> We're in the process of syncing now. We're holding the sync so that we 
> can make sure that packages are tested before we release them to the 
> whole community.
> If you want them quicker you can pull from the ros-shadow-fixed 
> repository, however using that source is less stable.
> Tully
> We did have an issue with our mirroring to the OSL servers. We'll be 
> watching this time to make sure it completes successfully.
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 6:35 AM, Patrick Goebel <patrick at pirobot.org 
> <mailto:patrick at pirobot.org>> wrote:
>     Hi Tully,
>     Is this sync still on hold?  I expected to see
>     ros-hydro-executive-smach-visualization
>     <https://github.com/ros-visualization/executive_smach_visualization/issues/6>
>     in debs by now but it's still not there.  I'm not in a hurry but I
>     was wondering if there is a problem.  Thanks!
>     --patrick
>     On 03/03/2014 03:50 AM, Isaac Isao Saito wrote:
>>     Thanks Tully.
>>     I also appreciate if you could let us know once the problem is settled.
>>     Thank you again,
>>     --
>>     Isaac
>>     On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 4:07 AM, Tully Foote<tfoote at osrfoundation.org>  <mailto:tfoote at osrfoundation.org>  wrote:
>>>     HI Isaac,
>>>     It looks like our rsync topackages.ros.org  <http://packages.ros.org>  failed. I'll try to figure out
>>>     what happened with our sysadmins.
>>>     Tully
>>>     On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 10:50 PM, Isaac Isao Saito
>>>     <iisaito at opensource-robotics.tokyo.jp>  <mailto:iisaito at opensource-robotics.tokyo.jp>  wrote:
>>>>     Hello Tully and co,
>>>>     is it possible that the sync hasn't been completed?
>>>>     For example I'm not getting ros-hydro-hironx-ros-bridge 1.0.11 that
>>>>     was claimed in the announcement (and getting 1.0.10 instead).
>>>>     http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages
>>>>          Package: ros-hydro-hironx-ros-bridge
>>>>          Version: 1.0.10-0precise-20140211-0054-+0000
>>>>          Architecture: amd64
>>>>          Maintainer: Kei Okada<k-okada at jsk.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>  <mailto:k-okada at jsk.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
>>>>          Installed-Size: 5193
>>>>          Depends: ros-hydro-hrpsys-ros-bridge
>>>>          Homepage:http://ros.org/wiki/hironx_ros_bridge
>>>>          Priority: extra
>>>>          Section: misc
>>>>          Filename:
>>>>     pool/main/r/ros-hydro-hironx-ros-bridge/ros-hydro-hironx-ros-bridge_1.0.10-0precise-20140211-0054-+0000_amd64.deb
>>>>          Size: 1160562
>>>>          SHA256:
>>>>     310e5c448df64cbec484dfcf45e601d3318ef2e6d91175fdb75451342b25d587
>>>>          SHA1: 87e185fa7f13117bada66baae0e434fa4d3703c2
>>>>          MD5sum: 11c4d21be19a6b25e6e10295f1b1b7c8
>>>>     If we just have to sit and wait for another hours after the
>>>>     announcement in general, I'll do so.
>>>>     Thanks!!
>>>>     --
>>>>     IsaacS
>>>>     On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:06 PM, Tully Foote<tfoote at osrfoundation.org>  <mailto:tfoote at osrfoundation.org>
>>>>     wrote:
>>>>>     Hi Everyone,
>>>>>     We have another update for ROS Hydromedusa. This includes 49 new
>>>>>     packages as
>>>>>     well as 45 updated packages from 20 different maintainers.
>>>>>     The full details are listed below.
>>>>>     Thanks to everyone who has made these releases possible.
>>>>>     You ROS Release Team.
>>>>>     Updates to hydro
>>>>>     Added Packages [49]:
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-fanuc: 0.2.0-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-fanuc-assets: 0.2.0-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-fanuc-driver: 0.2.0-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-fanuc-m10ia-support: 0.2.0-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-fanuc-m16ib-support: 0.2.0-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-fanuc-m430ia-support: 0.2.0-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-fanuc-resources: 0.2.0-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-image-exposure-msgs: 0.0.1-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-play-motion: 0.3.5-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-play-motion-msgs: 0.3.5-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-pointgrey-camera-driver: 0.0.1-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-shadow-robot: 1.3.0-6
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-shadow-robot-ethercat: 1.3.0-2
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-smach-viewer: 1.1.0-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-config: 1.3.0-1
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-cyberglove-config: 1.3.0-1
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-edc-controller-configuration: 1.3.0-2
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-edc-ethercat-drivers: 1.3.0-2
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-edc-launch: 1.3.0-2
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-edc-muscle-tools: 1.3.0-2
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-ethercat-hand-config: 1.3.0-1
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-example: 1.3.0-6
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-external-dependencies: 1.3.0-2
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-gazebo-plugins: 1.3.0-6
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-gui-bootloader: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-gui-change-controllers: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-gui-change-muscle-controllers: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-gui-controller-tuner: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-gui-grasp-controller: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-gui-hand-calibration: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-gui-joint-slider: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-gui-motor-resetter: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-gui-movement-recorder: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-gui-muscle-driver-bootloader: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-gui-self-test: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-kinematics: 1.3.0-6
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-movements: 1.3.0-6
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-robot-lib: 1.3.0-2
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-self-test: 1.3.0-6
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-tactile-sensors: 1.3.0-6
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-visualization: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-sr-visualization-icons: 1.3.0-3
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-statistics-msgs: 0.0.1-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-wfov-camera-msgs: 0.0.1-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-youbot-description: 0.8.0-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-youbot-gazebo-control: 0.8.0-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-youbot-gazebo-robot: 0.8.0-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-youbot-gazebo-worlds: 0.8.0-0
>>>>>     - ros-hydro-youbot-simulation: 0.8.0-0
>>>>>     Updated Packages [45]:
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-actionlib-msgs: 1.10.3-0 -> 1.10.4-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-arbotix: 0.9.1-0 -> 0.9.2-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-arbotix-controllers: 0.9.1-0 -> 0.9.2-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-arbotix-firmware: 0.9.1-0 -> 0.9.2-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-arbotix-msgs: 0.9.1-0 -> 0.9.2-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-arbotix-python: 0.9.1-0 -> 0.9.2-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-arbotix-sensors: 0.9.1-0 -> 0.9.2-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-common-msgs: 1.10.3-0 -> 1.10.4-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-cpp-common: 0.3.17-0 -> 0.4.3-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-diagnostic-msgs: 1.10.3-0 -> 1.10.4-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-ecto: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.6.1-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-geometry-msgs: 1.10.3-0 -> 1.10.4-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-hironx-moveit-config: 1.0.10-0 -> 1.0.11-1
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-hironx-ros-bridge: 1.0.10-0 -> 1.0.11-1
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-nav-msgs: 1.10.3-0 -> 1.10.4-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-nextage-description: 0.2.9-0 -> 0.2.10-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-nextage-moveit-config: 0.2.9-0 -> 0.2.10-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-nextage-ros-bridge: 0.2.9-0 -> 0.2.10-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-orocos-kdl: 1.2.1-0 -> 1.2.2-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-python-orocos-kdl: 1.2.1-0 -> 1.2.2-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-roscpp-core: 0.3.17-0 -> 0.4.3-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-roscpp-serialization: 0.3.17-0 -> 0.4.3-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-roscpp-traits: 0.3.17-0 -> 0.4.3-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-rosjava-build-tools: 0.1.31-0 -> 0.1.32-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-roslint: 0.0.1-0 -> 0.9.1-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-rostime: 0.3.17-0 -> 0.4.3-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-rtmros-hironx: 1.0.10-0 -> 1.0.11-1
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-rtmros-nextage: 0.2.9-0 -> 0.2.10-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-rtt: 2.7.0-5 -> 2.7.0-7
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-sensor-msgs: 1.10.3-0 -> 1.10.4-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-serial: 1.1.5-0 -> 1.1.7-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-shape-msgs: 1.10.3-0 -> 1.10.4-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-sr-description: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.0-6
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-sr-hand: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.0-6
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-sr-hardware-interface: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.0-6
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-sr-mechanism-controllers: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.0-6
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-sr-mechanism-model: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.0-6
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-sr-robot-msgs: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.0-6
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-sr-utilities: 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.0-6
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-stereo-msgs: 1.10.3-0 -> 1.10.4-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-trajectory-msgs: 1.10.3-0 -> 1.10.4-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-visp: 2.8.0-8 -> 2.9.0-2
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-visualization-msgs: 1.10.3-0 -> 1.10.4-0
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-xv-11-laser-driver: 0.1.2-1 -> 0.1.2-2
>>>>>       - ros-hydro-youbot-driver-ros-interface: 1.0.0-1 -> 1.0.0-2
>>>>>     Removed Packages [0]:
>>>>>     Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS
>>>>>     community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of
>>>>>     the
>>>>>     following maintainers:
>>>>>       - "Jonathan Bohren "
>>>>>       - Daniel Stonier
>>>>>       - Dirk Thomas
>>>>>       - G.A. vd. Hoorn (TU Delft Robotics Institute)
>>>>>       - Ioan Sucan
>>>>>       - Isaac Isao Saito
>>>>>       - Kei Okada
>>>>>       - Michael Ferguson
>>>>>       - Mike Purvis
>>>>>       - Paul Mathieu
>>>>>       - RTT Developers
>>>>>       - Ruben Smits
>>>>>       - Shadow Robot's software team
>>>>>       - Thomas Moulard
>>>>>       - Tully Foote
>>>>>       - Vincent Rabaud
>>>>>       - Walter Nowak
>>>>>       - William Woodall
>>>>>       - rohan
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