[ros-users] problem about setting private parameters of roslaunch

Tully Foote tfoote at willowgarage.com
Mon Oct 18 18:11:34 UTC 2010

Hi Eileen,
If you are worried about the private parameters I'd suggest that you put in
ROS_INFO or printf statements to make sure they are getting read.  However I
don't think that's your problem.

To debug this you should use tools like rxgraph and rostopic echo/info to
find out what commands are being sent by your teleop program and to what
nodes.  If you trace the flow of commands you can find some point where
commands are sent but not recieved.  You may need to dig into the code
running on your robot.  Are you sure your robot is working, can you control
it from another interface?

I suspect that your problem might be that the simulation has different
timeouts(possibly none) than the real robot.  in general there may be lots
of differences between simulation and a real robot.  What robot and
simulator are you running?


On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 7:44 AM, 甄灵 <zhenlin86 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>    Recently, I am learning roslaunch order, and I have some problem with
> it. First, I can drive the robot around manually in simulation using the
> keyboard when I type roslaunch p3robot teleop_keyboard.launch. But when I
> run roslaunch p3robot teleop_keyboard.launch in the real robot, the robot
> can't response. In the file of teleop_keyboard.launch, I set three private
> parameters. The src of my code and the .launch file are in the accessory.
> What is the matter? Why the keyboard can control the simulation robot but
> can't control the real robot with the same codes?
> Or there is some problem with my .launch file? Thank you in advance!
> --
> Eileen
> TJ University of Shang Hai
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Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
tfoote at willowgarage.com
(650) 475-2827
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