[ros-users] [Discourse.ros.org] [Next Generation ROS] Actions in ROS 2

Jacob Perron via Discourse.ros.org ros.discourse at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 21:15:52 UTC 2019

I believe actions are usable as part of node composition. I've created an example here: 


Although, I'll admit that there is some refactoring that can be done to make things more user-friendly. For example, [ros2/rclcpp#635](https://github.com/ros2/rclcpp/issues/635).

Regarding "simple" actions, I don't think it is very difficult for a user to achieve the desired behaviour with the current implementation (see [rclpy "single goal" example](https://github.com/ros2/examples/blob/f4d4b14bbcb257eae4d46ef06ecf66db025580ae/rclpy/actions/minimal_action_server/examples_rclpy_minimal_action_server/server_single_goal.py)). I can see the benefit of wrapping the boiler-plate code into convenient classes for "simple" actions, but I don't think it is a high priority.

I agree with @kyrofa that tutorials would be a good thing to have for Dashing. I've recently created a [ticket on GitHub](https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/rosindex/issues/149) to discuss ideas and track progress.

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