[ros-users] <color> attribute in world files

John Hsu johnhsu at willowgarage.com
Fri Oct 15 17:23:20 UTC 2010

To visualize your urdf in rviz, take a look at robot
You can publish corresponding frame transforms using tools such as the
joint_state_publisher. <http://ros.org/wiki/joint_state_publisher>

To push the urdf to the parameter server, see for

hope this helps.

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 6:43 PM, Patrick Doyle <wpdster at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 4:27 PM, John Hsu <johnhsu at willowgarage.com>
> wrote:
> > <color> element is used by rviz only.   gazebo ignores the <color> tag.
> For
> > pretty colors in simulation  you have to use Gazebo materials.
> How does rviz use color?  When I've spawned objects in simulation,
> they don't show up in the main rviz window, although I can see them in
> a camera window.  Is there some way to make spawned objects (or even
> world objects) show up in the main rviz window?  It is possible that
> I'm not seeing them due to an artifact of my setup -- I run most often
> in a VMWare box on my MacBook, and I have noticed a few peculiarities
> in this setup, but it kinda works most of the time.
> --wpd
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